Christmas Time (Don’t let the bells end)

“Round about, round about, round about now, you’re my ticket out of here” – Springbok Nude Girls – Blue eyes

It’s almost Christmas. I love this time of year, despite the rain, constant cold and wind, I love winter. They’ve forecast snow for tomorrow and despite duncan pointing out that I’ll have to walk to work in it on Monday, I want it to snow soooo much. I miss those days when I was a kid when winter wasn’t winter without a couple of feet of snow, a day off school and a snowman in the back garden. I don’t think I could live somewhere like Australia or South Africa, I’d miss the weather of this country too much, plus I find it really strange that, even though it’s summer over there, when they celebrate christmas they still send cards with snow on them. What is that about?

Christmas shopping is all done. The food is all in, except the turkey which we pick up on Tuesday.  We completed it all today, in Asda and I’ve wrapped all but one of Duncan’s presents. I got him Jackass and Blackadder dvds, the electric 6 cd and 500g of ostrich biltong (evil dried meat for those not south african and not subjected to this stuff) The biltong is being stored at a friend’s house. If it was here he’d have tracked it down by now, cos the spices used can be pretty strong. I think I’ll have to buy her some scented candles to make up for the awful smell which must be pervading her flat by now. As much as I hate the stuff, Duncan loves it, so I can only hope that my seller knew what he was doing and it’s good stuff.  I have no idea what he’s got me. I know there will be some buffy books and maybe (fingers crossed) a dvd but there are some strange shaped objects under our tree with my name on. I can’t wait until Thursday! (I’m such a kid)

My mum asked us this week if we were sure about marrying in the seychelles. I thought she’d had a change of heart and wanted it in this country, but no. She’d seen some tv show where a couple had gotten married abroad without friends and family and they seemed a little disappointed that there was no-one to share their joy and offer congratulations. We are the opposite of this. The thought of 100 people staring at us as we say our vows terrifies us and the thought of some photographer posing us for a couple of hours strikes fear into my heart. I hate having my photos taken, I hate being the centre of attention. So the Seychelles is definitely what we want. I can’t wait until next year when we can finally book it.

Feeling lonely today though. Duncan’s working until 9.30 tonight and I know I should be doing things like cleaning the house in preparation for tomorrow night (friends round for xmas drinks and present exchanging) but I can’t be bothered. I’m sat here on the pc instead, my fingers freezing as there’s no heating in our spare room and thinking that I should really eat something soon.

We saw Return of the King last night and it was awesome. It didn’t feel over three hours long and I absolutely loved what Jackson had done. Gondor looked just how I pictured it and even though I’ve read the books and knew what happened, I was still on the edge of my seat wondering whether Frodo would destroy the ring and would everyone survive. I can’t wait until the dvd’s out next year. We’re going to buy all three extended versions and I swear I could watch the series over and over and never be bored with it.

Until there is a next time…


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December 20, 2003

Hmmm… sat in front of the computer instead of doing the housework… that does sound a tad familar 🙂

December 20, 2003

Extremely familiar!

December 20, 2003

LOL I have no idea what that is all about! It is something I whine about, we don’t have snow so we shouldn’t pretnd we do! RYN:I am suprised I even made it to 500, I have been such a slacker writing this last 12 months or so!

I insanely loved Return of the King. In fact, I sat there holding my breath for the last hour of the thing. I’m such a kid about Christmas, too. I love it 🙂 I got your card, by the way – thank you!!! Expect an email this week when I finish my progress report! *HUGS*