Love song for a vampire

“There is my trust in what I believe ” REM – Leave

It’s, as always, been ages. But everything is just so great right now that I find it hard to string together a decent enough entry. I don’t want to make you all sick with how normal everything is. My diary’s always been for how crap everything is. Makes a nice change.

Work is going fabulously. I’ve been there a little over six months now and the end of my training is in sight. My subtitles are now unchecked before transmission (which is a lot of pressure at first, but I’m getting used to it.) They said I needed to push my minutes up a tiny bit more and bingo! Pay rise is mine, hopefully by the end of January. I’m ahead of all the other trainees that started this year, including one who started two months before me. And to think they dithered about hiring me.

We had our work christmas party last week. Yes, I know last week was still november, but this is what happens when you leave it till hallowe’en to book something, you get what’s left. It was at St James’s Park, and very Newcastle United themed (a slight problem for the two Sunderland fans, but still) it was free food and free bar and was quite cool. I spent loads of time with Vicky, Lisa, Leanne and Justine and we danced the night away. No-one got hammered except for Simon, a new guy, who go so mortal he fell asleep sitting up and who couldn’t stand. He had no taxi booked but was in no fit state to walk, so we let him share ours. But he couldn’t tell us where he lived, just the pub he lived near to, so we left him there. He turned up on Monday morning in one piece, so he must have found his way home at some point!

I have been doing overtime like a crazy woman. We need, as an office, to complete 20,000 minutes of subtitles by the end of the month if we want Jan 2nd off. Few people seem to care. No-one can be arsed to do over time, though for £45 before tax for each day extra we do, you’d think they would. I’m doing three more days this month which should cover the debt I’m gonna end up over christmas. We’re being really careful about presents and still seem to have spent loads and still have loads to get. Hopefully we can finish it off tomorrow night.

Duncan is out seeing Iron Maiden this evening. An evening to myself. I haven’t had one of those in… I can’t remember when. I’ll probably spend most of it on the phone to Helen though, as I haven’t spoken to her in ages.

And that’s my life in a nutshell at the moment. Work long hours, don’t sleep properly from worrying about money, spend money on Christmas presents. At least in 28 days time I can say “I’m getting married next year!”

Until there is a next time…


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Hey, there’s nothing wrong with having a good life – nobody deserves it more than you 😀

December 3, 2003

Do you get to put your name at the end of the subtitles in the credits? Can we flick up 888 and see your name in lights?!?

December 3, 2003

Know what ya mean about the havig nothing to write cause it is all good, but sometimes those “everything is peachy” entries are nice 🙂 Woohoo wedding is getting closer!!! Love hugs n BB

December 6, 2003

Yeah – don’t knock it – enjoy it!! Glad everything is going well.

December 12, 2003

RYN: TY I think he is pretty cute – gods only know where he got his looks from though LOL