Something beautiful

‘shallow figures’ REM – Perfect circle

What do we think of the new colours? I’m going to shamelessly notewhore and say let me know. I’m planning on testing out various combinations of purple/silver/ivory over the next few weeks in a bid to find the right colours for my dress. I’m kind of stuck with purple (or a shade of) as yesterday I bought some purple, lilac and silver striped napkins which look dead funky. Along with those and some shoes we have made a start on the wedding purchases. Last night we worked out a reasonable budget/savings plan that we should be able to stick to which will mean we can afford the bigger reception room and everything else we want. Woo-hoo! So, I need to know what you think of the colours. Why can’t OD let me change the colours on just one entry anyway? It would be sooo much easier. My opinion on the colours? It kind of says Cadbury’s chocolate to me, but maybe that’s just me.

Other news… I started studying again at the weekend. Not fun. I think that, cos I hate pure maths with something of a vengence these days, it makes it harder to get back into it. Maybe I should have started with the stats part. But then I’d be struggling next Spring. I did a couple of hours on Saturday and have done nothing since. I’m crap at studying these days, which is weird cos I was so disciplined at school – such the little swot! At least I’m still enjoying work – which is always a good thing – despite the utter crapness of programmes I’ve been doing. Really, Channel five need some more money or someone who has some idea about programming. Recent examples of channel five programmes we’ve subtitled include the usual police video crap, Danger! Incoming Attack! (has anyone seen this? How to storm an embassy or how to avoid being brainwashed!!) and The Tribe, which really is a masterclass in how bad Australian TV can get. Just because all the adults have died doesn’t excuse the awful dress sense and inability to talk something resembling English at least! Anyone who thinks my job is perfect – sitting watching TV – this is the crap I have to watch!

Anyway, short entry today, must get back to the cartoons!!!

Until there is a next time…


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July 24, 2003

Sounds like daytime TV. Very poor. My head thought Cadbury’s for this. Thought I was going mad ’til you said it too. Phew! I will run off and buy a pair of sunglasses in preparation of forthcoming colour schemes. As for entry colours – can’t you insert the bg color into the entry text in some way to localise it? Don’t know for sure. An expert (LLPJ / Vodkabird) might?? She’s

July 24, 2003

there is a slight chocolate feel to it alright but it’s very easy to read which is always good!

July 24, 2003

The purple’s good, but I’m not sure about the grey….And now I want chocolate 🙂

I think a darker purple would be nicer. This one’s kind of weird.

July 26, 2003

I have a shirt in the purple colour & my colleague at work calls it my ‘Milk Tray’ shirt! Colours are okay – – easy to read which is good.

September 25, 2003

yup Cadburys…sorry hon..