
‘If you’re lost, hurt, tired and lonely,’ Robbie Williams – Something beautiful.

Forgive me, but I love the new robbie single. Sad, I know, but I can make up for it by saying that when I watch the Metallica video for St Anger, it makes me want to be a drummer like Lars, because he looks so mental and like he’s having the best time ever. That’s my confession for today. The other one should be that I am writing this from work. We have broadband here and it’s fantastic. They don’t really monitor it, although I’m sure it’ll show up if you’re seriously abusing it. But as long as you aren’t looking at porn and downloading god knows what, they don’t mind. The only thing they care about is the target 40 minutes subtitling a day, which, as a trainee I still don’t have to worry about until the end of the year. At the moment I get about 25-30 minutes a day done and that includes checking my email and wedding notice boards every couple of hours. There’s no point in getting up to 40 minutes too quickly, I won’t get the pay-rise until they say so.

At the moment I’m working on ‘Britain’s Worst DIYer’ for channel five and boy are these guys dumb. One guy decided to cover up the hole in the ceiling with sticky tape (instead of plaster) and hung wallpaper with staples and blu-tac. And he claims he’s not the worst in the country! It could be worse, I could be doing the show about people who dress up as animals and have sex. Oh, the things channel five show these days!

I got my ring at the weekend. It looks so shiny on my hand. It took a couple of days getting used to and I was worried that it was too big, but it appears to be fine now. I spoke to my mum on Monday to tell her my wedding plans so far. We looked at another possible reception venue, much smaller, but also much cheaper than the first. To be honest I love the first, but we can’t afford it. I was telling my mum this and she said that they’d be happy to put some money towards it, if that was the place we wanted. At first I thought great, but in the next breath she was trying to persuade me to have it in a hotel with them doing the catering, which is ridiculously expensive. The extra cash would be nice and a great help, I think we’ll have to make clear though that extra cash doesn’t mean they have control over anything. It’s our wedding and our party. I find the beginnings of a possible dress as well at the weekend. I’d rather have a top and skirt, so have a great site that makes corsets, so will probably have one specially made and then find a skirt to go with it. I’ve always wanted a corset – I don’t know why – so this seems like the perfect opportunity.

Other than that things have been dead quiet. I have to start my a-level again soon. I know I have to, I just can’t get motivated. I should, because once I’ve completed the a-level it’ll be next May and I’ll be able to do wedding things till my heart’s content, but part of me doesn’t want to start and then find out I failed my exams in May. I don’t think I could be arsed to re-sit. I don’t even know if I want to go back to uni. Teaching is something I would love to do, but I don’t want to be back at uni. I like having the money of a job, etc. Plus, I love my current job. I think for now, I will sit the a-level, so at least my options remain open, but uni is definitely on hold until at least after we get married. There’s no way we can afford the wedding with me at uni.

I managed to remember the dates for our visit to London. We will be arriving late on Thursday night (11th September) and staying until Tuesday (16th) lunchtime. So those who want to meet up, state your preference – Saturday or Sunday – and any suggestions of where to meet.

Until there is a next time…


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July 9, 2003

Phew … I must have got mixed up, was thinking it was the first weekend you were down, and I’ve got a wedding to go to then! But should definitely be able to make the 13th (tho not the Sunday) and with any luck U will be able to come too!!!!

It’s not sad, I love robbie williams too 😛 I still wish I could be there for the wedding! You’re going to be an awesome bride =) *hug*

July 9, 2003

Good luck with the whole ‘persuading them that their money doesn’t buy influence in the reception’ thing. I’m led to believe that most parents don’t see the logic in this idea!

September 25, 2003

I now own 3 corsets (have a friend who makes them) and thats probably what i will have if I ever get married, a corset and a skirt….looks fantastic and corsets hid all those horrible bulges and push them into places where they look fantastic LOL