
‘When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely’ Counting Crows – Mr Jones

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks. Work continues to be a huge pain in the ass and I swear is making me ill. I’m off today (Duncan’s orders) as I have been getting the worst stomach pains. I know I shouldn’t have taken the day off as it will make it ten times harder to get up and go in tomorrow, but still, it’s nice to have the house to myself. Job front is still quiet. Nothing from the uni or the BBC, but a possibility from the freelance company who emailed me to say that I had got through to the testing stage and also to say that I wouldn’t have to trek to London to test, interview and train. Apparently they want to set up a remote testing/interview situation to ‘take advantage of talent outside the capital’. The email says that a very small number of applicants have been selected for this, so hopefully that’s true and I stand a good chance. It’s something I’ve done before (transcribing financial presentations and the q&a sessions afterwards) in much more time-pressure circumstances. This one gives you two and a half hours after the call to complete the work, but in London I usually got about 30 minutes maximum. So it should be a walkover, but I don’t want to get too confident, so I’ll just cross fingers.

I thought I’d be bothered about not hearing from the uni, or even the bbc, but I’m not. With the freelance opportunity presenting itself (6 weeks on, 6 weeks off), I’ve realised that that is what I want. To be able to work when I want, from home and still earn a decent amount of money. I can only hope that this one starts the ball rolling for some more work to come in.

I’m still putting up with Andrew – Krissie, the girlfriend should be arriving in the next week, but still no firm date on this, so who knows. He has finally pulled his finger out and made some start at finding a house. Well, if a start means calling one agency and getting them to send a list of properties. I had a glance over the list though, and they are a student letting agency, so predictably the houses are expensive and 4/5 bedrooms, so it’s not much help. I’m trying to persuade Duncan to take him to agencies on Saturday, but at the same time I don’t see why we should spend our weekend doing his work for him.

The state of the world troubles me each day. Blair has effectively said that we will follow America blindly into Iraq, which can only end badly all round and the Johannesberg Earth summit appears to have been the biggest, most expensive exercise in years. It’s no good everyone else agreeing to do something if America, the biggest polluter, turns round and says ‘no thanks, we’ll carry on trying to destroy the world in as many ways as possible’. I’d quite like there to still be an inhabitable world in the decades to come, but clearly Bush doesn’t. The man infuriates me on so many levels. I know I’m not the only that thinks like this.

Until there is a next time…


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September 4, 2002

Hey- snap – I’ve applied for BBC stuff too! (although so far my only joy has been two rejection letters. Albeit very nicely worded ones.) I share your foreboding about America, I am taking the very mature approach of trying not to think about it…

I’m crossing my fingers and toes for you 🙂 I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but I have no idea what’s going on in the world. I don’t watch the news, I don’t read the newspapers (apart from the front page and the lifestyles section) so when the world comes to an end, I’ll be the last to know! heheh.

September 4, 2002

Perhaps one day of dragging Andrew round the agencies may in the long term (and hopefully not the loooooooooong term!) be a good thing for all concerned 🙂

September 7, 2002

The freelancing thing sounds ideal, got everything crossed for you. And Marcus might be right, maybe taking Andrew by the hand to find somewhere else would pay off. Hope so, anyway.

September 7, 2002

Bush has infuriated me since the first time I set eyes on him but I’m not sure what it is about him that sets me off. I could hardly listen to him after the Sept 11 thing – he just sounded like a puppet with someone else pulling the strings.