Where have all the cowboys gone?

‘Barred indoors from the summer street’ Green Day – Longview

Excuse me whilst I let off steam.

I wish he’d leave. I wish he’d get off our couch, stop flicking through the sports channels all day and the bad, free soft porn all night and just get the fuck out of our flat. He’s been here a week now and in that time appears to have made no real effort to get himself a job, let alone somewhere to live. Having apparently resigned himself to the fact that the only way to get a temp job in Edinburgh is to be there (surprise, surprise) he appears to have decided to stay in Newcastle for the time being, where at least he can watch sky all day and enjoy unlimited internet access. The only thing he has bought to stock the fridge up with is more bleeding alcohol. Even when I turned up on Saturday afternoon weighed down under the food shopping he didn’t offer to pay for any of it, simply took a beer from the bag. I want him to leave. I’m sure he’s a very nice person when he isn’t bludging off us, but right now I don’t even feel like this is my home. I can barely get to the pc for all his crap lying all over the floor.

And while we are letting off steam, what on earth do I have to do in this town to get a sniff of an interview for a poxy production assistant job that I am over qualified for or a writer/researcher job covering small businesses, a similar job to the one I did in London? Really what do I have to do? Prostitute myself? Will that help these people decide that someone with a degree and experience of writing financial articles may well be suited to the goddamn job?! I am sick of coming home from work to discover that there has been no post yet again, no phone call, no-one at all wants to employ me. Accuread are saying that we are being let go at some point (temps only obviously) whilst my team leader says I won’t lose the crappy, shitty job I hate. And I’m supposed to be happy about that piece of news. You know what the most exciting thing that happened at work yesterday was? A fire drill. The opportunity to walk down stairs and into the car park so the smokers could sneak in an extra fag break. That was the highlight of my day.

Normal service may be resumed next time.

ps: Saturday was great, I was suitably drunk, spent 90% of Sunday in bed, getting up only to watch Schumacher win his 5th drivers championship. Apparently there are good things in life. Plus I get to go home this weekend, so it can’t all be bad. Right?

Until there is a next time…


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July 24, 2002

And now breathe 🙂 xx

July 24, 2002

How about laying some rules out. A kind of ‘you can stay, but…’ and keep dropping questions about job hunting in there. Not too subtle but it might get the point across. I presume you’ve tried likes of totaljobs.com, pestering the heck out of everyone you can think of. What about trying to get into the kind of company you want but doing something else for now. A sort of ‘foot in the door’ ?

July 24, 2002

it might not help and it goes against the English way, but being pushy in finding work might be the answer — don’t wait for them to call you or write back, follow up your application with a persuasive phone call. unless they’re huge companies with reams of HR procedure, it should help. that’s my twopennyeth. as for the unwanted houseguest, I sympathise.

Have words. Long, expletive-like ones!

Buggeringwankbasket. That’s a long swear word. I suggest you make life uncomfortable for him, like you wanting to tape the series of “Crossing Over with John Edward” on Living which is shown, like, *all the time*. So he won’t be able to change channels.

July 24, 2002

Aaaaargh!! poor you. You really are going to have to lay d0wn the law a bit here, he is being totally inconsiderate. If I were you I’d tell him exactly how I expect him to behave and suggest that if he can’t he should find himself somewhere else to live. And still got fingers crossed for you – something WILL come up, Im sure.

Andrew is Duncan’s brother, right? Can’t Duncan say anything to him? I mean, have you told Duncan how you feel about all this? The guy could at LEAST contribute to the groceries.

July 30, 2002

Am sending over cyver-sympathy, for what it’s worth. I haven’t read you for a while (shame on me) but we had a ‘squatter’ for a while, and it drove me UP THE WALL while the rest of my house-mates were un-fazed. Likewise, the fact that I’d give you a job- or perhaps also that no one wants to employ me either- is perhaps not comforting but also true… chin up. etc.