
‘the story of my life in trying times’ REM – How the west was won and where it got us

Never one to follow the crowd I have decided to apply for a permanent job at Accuread. I know, I hate my job there, but it is not the same job. Instead they want someone to work in ‘planning and analysis’ which sounds a lot fancier than it is. Basically it appears to be some job which sorts out the wrong jobs/postcodes sent from our suppliers and corrects them, as well as providing address verification for meter readers and producing reports for, I guess, managers and team leaders. My reckoning behind applying? Well, it’s a permanent job for a start, should be paying more money and lets me stay where I am. I like the people I work with, both on the phone and in the office and it’s the fact that I have nothing to do most days which drives me up the wall. This job would mean I still get to chat to the guys every so often and I should have more to do. I came home kind of smiling today, which Duncan pointed out was a first for some time at that place. The fact that I was told that some colleagues thought of me as the best allocator in area 7 (out of four of us) also kind of helped. I think tomorrow I will be taking on a new area on top of my own, which should, hopefully, give me more work. I spent four hours twiddling my thumbs today. This can’t go on.

I didn’t hear anything from the Northern Film and Media company, who I applied to about the admin position. Clearly my lack of typing certificate was a huge issue for them – never mind that I could do everything else requested plus more – it seems in this town all anyone wants is a typing certificate. Does this reflect on the schooling round here? No-one expects you to have a GCSE, but a basic typing qualification is all anyone manages at school? I’m sure that can’t be true for everyone?!?!

Tony and Kelly finally move into their own place at the weekend. Am I jealous? Yes. I want our own place, a place that we can decorate how we want, etc, etc… just somewhere that we can say is definitely ours and no-one can take it away from us (except maybe the bank). I think I’ve said this before, but I still think they are rushing things somewhat. They haven’t even been together a year and they’re buying somewhere? They’ve never spent more than 2 consecutive nights together and I don’t think Tony has really any clue about things. Yes, they’ll be paying less in mortgage repayments than they are in rent – but there’s so much else to consider – interest rate hikes, property crashes, damage to the property, no handy landlord to come and fix everything for free. But of course, I can’t say any of this to anyone, cos then I just come across as jealous and trying to spoil their happiness, when I’m not – I just don’t want to see a friend get, ultimately, screwed over in some way. Fingers crossed that that won’t happen.

We are all set to go to Silverstone this week. The tent is here, the tickets are here, the rental car is booked. I’m looking forward to it, but am apprehensive about taking Duncan to meet my grandad and uncle (both on my dad’s side of the family). I haven’t seen them since…. August 1999 when my gran died, and although I’ve been back to Northampton once since then (and that was traumatic enough) I’m still nervous. Not nervous what they think of Duncan, quite frankly I couldn’t care less what they think, it’s not going to change how I feel about him. I just… I know what they are like, especially after a few drinks and I always worry that one day I’ll say something we’ll all regret. I guess it is more biting my tongue and smiling and interested but non-commital smile for me. But don’t forget to look for us on Sunday – we’ll be the ones with the Ferrari flag in the grandstand along the Hangar straight… hehehehe… us and a few hundred others!

Until there is a next time…


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July 2, 2002

you’re from Northampton? I didn’t know that. we’re almost neighbours. (if it weren’t for that 3,000 mile difference)

You can bet your life that as soon as you buy a house, all of those things which have worked just fine in your rented abode will break, splinter and crack and you’ll have to foot the bill!

July 2, 2002

I’m so jealous that you’re going to the Grand Prix. Have a great time:) And think of me at home with my (quite likely) hangover!!

you’d think they could just give you a typing test for cripes sake! good luck with applying for the new position! 🙂

July 2, 2002

Good luck with the job, and have a fantastic time at Silverstone – mmm just imagining the smell of rubber and fuel and the sound of tyres squealing round corners. Jealous!

July 2, 2002

The non-committal smile… oh, how we are experts at that… and don’t forget to back your waterproofs 🙂