Fire in the twilight

‘I will fly you to the moon and back, if you’ll be, if you’ll be my baby’ Savage Garden – To the moon and back

Thanks for making me feel better after the last entry. You’re all, of course right. Part of me does want the whole ‘house, baby, marriage’ thing right now, but the rest of me knows that I have plenty of time for all that malarkey and anyway, I should just enjoy the hassle-free, no-ties life I have now. I should also stop visiting the Friends Reunited site and reading what my old school & sixth form friends are up to, as reading that they all have proper ‘grown-up’ jobs just makes me feel worse about the whole temping situation.

It is safe to say that I have no interviews coming up before I go away. I was right when I said that the ‘loads of replys, let you know in 2 weeks about the interview’ letters were just polite ways of saying ‘naff off’. The trouble is now that this week’s paper carried about 4 or 5 possibilities, but the interviews are being held whilst I’m either in London, or in South Africa. I think I shall simply put the whole thing on hold until we return now. The other thing is that we are now deciding on when exactly we want to leave Newcastle. I think the end of this year would be a perfect time. Duncan will be changing jobs about that time, the lease will run out in January and if I knew I was leaving at the end of the year, I could stick out Accuread for the time being. I think it’s the thought of being stuck here indefinitely that is making me very cranky at work at the moment. As for possible destinations – we are both seriously drawn to Scotland, somewhere around Glasgow or Edinburgh would be utterly perfect.

This week has dragged. Work has arranged for me to go to London/Staines on May 1st, returning the next evening. It couldn’t have come at a worse time – three days later & I’ll be back in London, heading towards Heathrow. But at least I get my train fare paid and I get to stay in the Marriott hotel, so it can’t be all that bad. Not sure what the meter readers will make of meeting me, or what I’ll make of meeting them. It’ll be weird.

SAA called this morning to say they have, finally, sorted out Duncan’s ticket. We won’t know this 100% until we arrive at Heathrow as we are collecting the ticket from there. But they have assured us that they have booked us both seats already (window, cos I pretty much insisted I wanted a window seat), although whether they will remember to book my seat as well is another matter. In future we are booking joint tickets, it’s got to be easier!

I have the house to myself again this afternoon and what’s great about it is that I don’t have to do any cleaning, as I roped Duncan into helping me this morning before he left for work. It’s nice to think that if I want to I can waste the next seven hours on the internet if I want. Of course I won’t, I have writing to re-read and edit and continue. But you know what they say about the best intentions!!

Until there is a next time…


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I know what you mean about joint tickets – when I was in the States I’d booked our tickets seperately and inadvertently booked one of the return tickets as a different flight. Doh. I hope everything goes to plan for you!

I miss travelling so much…well, not the hassles of it, but you know what I mean 🙂

April 13, 2002
April 13, 2002

Or did you did what I did, and just fall asleep in front of the TV?

Scotland does have a certain charm. Sadly it’s not the weather. Mind you, it was pissing down in Newcastle the other day and sunny everywhere else, so I expect you are used to it!

April 15, 2002

Friends Reunited is a dangerous dangerous site.. girls from my year are now married, have kids, fantastic jobs, etc etc. I’m still at uni, eternally single, and clinging onto my youth like there’s no tomorrow..

April 28, 2002

It could be worse. At least you’re not in Sunderland. Scotland would be a nice place. I’ve been to Edinburgh a few times. Very cultural. Nice beer too.