Near you always

‘I want you to notice, when I’m not around’ Radiohead – creep

I apologise profusely for my absence and thank you for noticing. It was not my fault. I had plans, plans of writing whilst Duncan was working his crappy 3-11pm shift but Tiny had other ideas. Tiny’s server went down, so whilst it was logging me on to the modem every page in the world came up as ‘unable to display’. Obviously when I went to OD this was no surprise, but still. It stayed that way until the following Tuesday or Wednesday when we could no longer connect. We are now with AOL (& I have to say, on first impressions, it’s a bit crap really, but then I guess I’ll get used to it). Tiny will be getting a scathing email after I’ve unburdened myself here (and be warned it could take a while).

Despite the prolonged absence, nothing much has changed in my life. I’m still working in hell, but have found three jobs in the last week worth applying for – two are virtually perfect for me (so I shall expect to not even get an interview as seems to be usual these days). Me and Duncan celebrated our anniversary last weekend and it was blissful. Saturday we went to see Lord of the Rings again (and it was just as good the second time round) before going for Chinese. I had crispy duck for the first time in ages and it was gorgeous…. mmmmm. Then Sunday, our actual anniversary we lazed around, watching tv.

WE BLOODY WON!!!!!!! We actually won the Worthington Cup Final. I was having palpitations by the end of it I was that stressed by the many near misses of Tottenham, but Brad Friedel – god! – was a man possessed pulling off those saves and I had the widest smile on my face watching the team lift the cup. It rounded off a perfect weekend in the perfect way.

I’m kind of settled at work. So much so that it’s kind of scary. We’re having some change overs at the moment and I had my two team managers on the phone to the big allocation boss pleading that I not be moved from my area, even though it would have meant getting someone way more experienced. It’s flattering but also troubling. I can see myself settling. And I hate it, I truly hate it. I have done everything possible to find anouther job, any job but I can’t help but feel that the universe is saying ‘you know what, stick this one out, it’ll be worth it in the end’ I sure hope so.

So I finally got online again this evening, and just in time. There’s something mildly depressing about opening your email box to discover 248 unread messages. Luckily most of them were crap, but it means you have filter through everything to make sure you don’t delete the important one. The second place I headed to, of course was here. Imagine my horror to see OD Plus open up. I trembled for a second and thought the worst had happened, that this place had disappeared before I had time to finish downloading and make contingency plans, but no, we are now just crappy ‘free OD’ and the rest are ‘OD’ pah! (And Mark, I’m sure you have reasons, which I shall endeavour to find out when I head over to your diary but, in the words of the Popular Front of Judea (or some such group from Monty Python’s the Life of Brian) splitter! 🙂 )

So I shall end this here and dive into the entries (and I’m sure there are many) awaiting me. I shall be back though. You can’t get rid of me that easily!

Until there is a next time…


Log in to write a note

Yeah well we won Olympic Gold in men’s ice hockey so nyaaahhh 😛 heheh.

February 26, 2002

Wouldn’t want to get rid of you, very glad you’re back 🙂 I’m not totally keen on AOL either, but I’ve used it for like five years now, and I don’t like change, so it’ll do. And crispy duck? Damn you, I’m hungry now. I adore that – could eat it every day if I had to 🙂 Take care,

February 27, 2002

My reasoning was that two of my nearest and dearest had moved over and locked their diaries, so I had to. I’m not going to lock my diary, so you’ll always be welcome 🙂

February 27, 2002

My brother went to Cardiff for the game … was not a happy bunny. Happy anniversary!