Tales from the riverbank

‘but are you that clever, that you smile forever?’ The Lost Prophets – Shinobi vs the dragon ninja

It was a big day yesterday for my family. Well, not so much all of us, just Heather, my ten year old sister. The school in their little town celebrated 125 years this school year and they have had various celebrations throughout the school year. Every kid got a commemorative badge (designed by Heather – who won the competition) and there have been other bits. However, yesterday was the highlight of the year when Prince Charles came to visit. Now our family isn’t renowned for being royalists or anything, in fact we, or me personally, are largely indifferent on the whole monarchy question, but yesterday they were dead excited for one reason alone. Whilst on his visit Charlie-boy was presented with a commemorative mug and guess who got to give him this? Yes! My sister Heather. She chatted with him for like a minute and then was interviewed by the local news team, which was aired last night. We, of course, have tapes. She was dead excited about the whole thing, almost as much as my mum, who also got to talk to Charles. Bet you didn’t expect to see that in my entry today did you?

Work still sucks. Turns out I may have to quit to go on holiday now as people (namely Joanne, the two-faced bitch of a boss I have) are moaning about the amount of unpaid leave I am taking. Hello? It’s unpaid!!! I don’t want to take that much any more than she wants me to, but there ain’t a fat lot a girl can do. I can only earn a certain amount each week. I am now applying for anything that I am vaguely qualified to do. Turns out I can survive on nearly five grand less than I was six months ago, so anything goes now. Fingers crossed something will turn up real soon.

What else? We have arranged our camping for the british grand prix, which I am very excited about, even though it is five months away. Even closer is South Africa… less than three months now. I think by then I will most definitely have earned the break. I would like to leave for SA with a good proportion of my ‘novel’ written. It is coming on slowly but surely, with a little help from Stephen King’s ‘On Writing’ book (on a side note… boo hiss, the guy’s retiring after the next couple of books. Who am I going to read then???!) and internet research. Speaking of which, I must go and finish it. The research that is, not the book. Maybe in a couple of weeks the first chapter will be tweaked enough to be read. Volunteers?

Until there is a next time…


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I’ll read it! And I promise it won’t get relegated to the “to read” pile 😉 Wow! for your sister! Brings back memories of Princess Margaret (or was it Anne? Obviously not that detailed memories) opening our new leisure centre in Silver Jubilee year, and my whole school lining the road waving Union Jacks. What an experience for her!

February 6, 2002

I’m a willing volunteer, most definitely 🙂 And I didn’t know you were going to South Africa! Damn, I *have* missed a lot. Lucky lucky lucky you.

I thought I already had read the first chapter? Or is this a different novel entirely? Boo!

If I hear anything more about grand prix day I think I will scream and scream until I lose my voice. Aaaaghhh….!

*shoots hand up in the air* Me! ME! Please miss, pick me!

*puts hand up in volunteering-type way*