A moment to myself

‘And just like, the movies’ Alien Ant Farm – Movies

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, e-cards etc. They were much appreciated, even if I did spend three days flatly denying my birthday. I guess this means I’ll have to admit to my real age on OD again.

I had a fantastic few days celebrating the non-event. On Saturday me, Duncan, Richard and Mary went into town to the arena and had a great night listening to some great music (and being really envious of the bloke in leather & some bizarre wig/hat who had a smaller waist than I do!). I didn’t even get too drunk, as I have now decided that really I’m getting too old for falling down drunk… well, maybe anyway. On Monday we had dinner with Mary, Tony, Kelly and Richard, which was again, a really great evening. Tuesday I had to work, but it was painless, as I had told only one person in the office that it was my birthday, so no fuss was made at all, which I was really grateful for. I came home and opened my presents and then in the evening me and Duncan went for dinner at a very nice Italian place in Jesmond. As for my presents, well anyone would think I was a witch! I got two crystal balls – one very small one & one that is about 2-3 inches across. (I got 2 cos Duncan said he wouldn’t buy one, so Mary & Tony did & then, of course, Duncan went out & bought one for me!). Duncan also got me a Sum41 t-shirt plus a beautiful illustrated version of CS Lewis’ ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ which is one of my favourite books of all time. My mum sent me four witchy books, a scented candle and a miniature ‘grow your own herbs’ thing, which is great to get me started off this spring. Mel sent me a witchcraft calendar as well as some HMV vouchers and Helen got me the Starsailor cd (which I’d asked for). I got a couple of cheques off other people, plus another REM video (the last in my collection) from Mary and Tony and some chocolates from Kelly. Not bad for someone who was refusing to celebrate.

The other surprise I got this week, was an email from a long lost dear friend, Marcus. Me & Marcus were great friends in 6th form but what with us both going off to uni (and me moving more times than necessary) we lost touch, so it was great to get an email from him. All thanks to the Friends Reunited site of course.

I know I promised I’d write more, but really, by the time I’m home, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of the pc. I’ve been applying for a couple of jobs – decided not to go for the BBC one in the end, I wasn’t really qualified enough – so fingers crossed something comes up soon. I can’t stand working at the moment, and am already dreading the fact that I have to go back on Monday morning!

Until there is a next time…


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Ah … go for the BBC job. As I’m sure I’ve adequately demonstrated, they’ll take on any old berk. (leinad)

Argh! I KNEW I was supposed to send someone a birthday card! Dammit! 🙂 Well it sounds like you had a good one, regardless *hug* I actually like that alien ant farm song..eek!

Aaargh!! had it in my mind that it was sometime this week. Sorry 🙂 Glad you had a great time.

Happy Birthday! (belatedly) Wishing you a lovely year to come…. I’m glad that you had a good time

Pleased you had a good boithday 🙂 xx

Apologies that I missed your birthday, but I am so pleased that you enjoyed youself! Give me a few days and I’ll be catching up on you in age! XX