
‘Forfeit the game, before somebody else takes you out of the frame’ Linkin Park – Points of Authority

An open letter

I think the most over-used phrase here at the moment is ‘scaremongering’. I know, I’ve used it. Why? Because when you see in the left hand corner ‘An important message about the future of OD’ you don’t expect to have to read through what is essentially an advert about OD+. I’ve been on that site recently, I’ve ummed and aaahhed about it and finally I made a decision. I will be on The Original Open Diary (not OD- as everyone on OD+ seems fit to call it) to the end. I will not, in the foreseeable future be moving to OD+. I’d rather build my own site and host a diary that way instead. Why? Because a little over 1,000 diarists does not make a community. Not over there. It makes a ‘let’s look down our nose and ridicule everyone who can’t pay’ area. I will not be a part of that.

I freely accept that OD will not see me through the rest of my life. I never expected it to. In fact, I never knew how long I’d be here, I don’t think I expected the friendships, the change in my life that has grown directly as a result from my diary here. How could anyone know that a diary here would lead to a new life, my soul mate and a huge circle of friends around the world? I copy my entries and notes into Word on a regular basis. I now have five different files full of entries and notes from some of the dearest people in my life. I would advise you all to do the same if you value your diary. But I know that it will not always be here. I know the internet boom of the last few years is grinding to a shuddering halt. You don’t need to tell me that, I’m living that experience right now. I am doing a hideous temping job because of the downturn in the internet industry. So when DM tells you that ad revenues are falling, believe him. They are. Money is being lost every day on this ‘fantastic’ technology. Those pop-up ads that are all so annoying are essential to your diary. For those that can’t accept that, move on. There are plenty of other sites out there that, for now, are free. But one question I’d like answered – all of the other free diary sites seem to be managing just fine. And not just the diary ones. I am a member of a pagan community that doens’t charge for membership. I get my message boards, a community feel and many other things, without the adverts. If others can manage it, why can’t this place? Teen Open Diary isn’t, as far as I know, under a similar threat of closure. So why only this one? Is it because there are too many of us? May I suggest that users under say, 16 or 18 be moved to TOD. It’s what it’s there for isn’t it?????

I spent an hour or two this week reading OD+. It reminded me of one of those snobby clubs at school that everyone wanted to join, but when they did, they realised it wasn’t that great. The majority (and I know it isn’t all of them) look down their noses at us here, the ones that maybe can’t afford to pay. According to them we are ungrateful whining toddlers who want their cake and eat it. I resent that. I don’t think I know of one favourite who isn’t eternally grateful to the DM and team for the web space they have allowed us to share. It’s all very well for those who can afford to pay to say that, they know their diaries are safe. The rest of us, some living hand to mouth at times, don’t have that guarantee. $20 may not be that much, even when converted to pounds, but that money is my bus fare to work for the week, or my contribution to my shopping for a week. It’s not something I can throw at an ailing site. Maybe in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t that much money, but on a daily, trying-to-keep-afloat basis it is. And just because I don’t pay, doesn’t mean my diary is unimportant to me. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane at times.

So all I ask for is this: some respect from the OD+ users – yes, well done, you managed to switch, but don’t judge the rest of us for not managing it; some respect from the DM – yes the site is in trouble, we all know that, but mascarading an advert as an important note about our future is no way to gain my business and finally; some notice, so that when this site eventually joins the server in the sky, I can have my past entries to remind me of one of the most important parts of my life.

It’s not too much to ask for is it?

Until there is a next time…


Log in to write a note

Fantastic entry….enough to make me quit considering leaving here. I don’t want to lose this place or the people in it, but I don’t want to leave. OD+ seems like some sort of exclusive country club. I don’t want that. If you don’t mind, I’d like to link your entry in my diary. This sums it up perfectly.

Great entry – expresses so much of what I feel. I love this place as it is too – okay, so I’ll never read even a fraction of the entries here, but its the range of people that makes it special. And I wont be signing up, whatever – will wait for your site!!

All of a sudden OD+ doesn’t seem like an attractive option

Rock on, girl! ~

January 21, 2002

*claps* I couldn’t of said it better!!!!! Onto a completely different note…Happy b/day fo tomorrow *hugs* this is just in case i am not online…hope you have a wonderful day *hugs*

well said. and one of the reasons why i’ve all but left. if you need any help with that site… let me know 🙂

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I will not be a sheep!

…interesting… I think OD has been a victim of its own popularity… *ponders*