Do they know it’s Christmas? (feed the world)

‘And I bring a message for mankind to hear’ Chris de Burgh – A spaceman came travelling

So it is all officially over. Work that is, not Christmas/Yule. I went to Middlesbrough yesterday (a four hour round trip by train these days) and arrived to discover no-one around. My pc was still there but it was one of the very few that were. I stuck around for about 45 minutes, made some personal calls and then left. I felt very angry that I’d spent the money on travelling for that. They expected me in today, but in a final ‘last stand’ I am refusing on the grounds that heading off into Newcastle to visit temp agencies is infinitely more important than sitting around in an empty office for an hour or so, commiserating on the fact that we are leaving and virtually none of us has a new job. It just all seemed too depressing.

Not that the trip to town was worthwhile. The agencies I tried all said the same thing… ‘contact us after christmas when we’ll know what temp contracts we have’ It’s because I’m looking for short term not long term contracts. I don’t intend to stay someone else’s dogsbody for the next few years.

I really enjoyed last night at the pub. We went early for some dinner and then the usual crowd turned up. Shortly after the quiz started Lee arrived, back from Italy for the week. It was great to see him again & see how happy and relaxed he is now that he has left this place behind. I’d love to be able to just pack up and do that, but let’s face it, it’s hardly ever practical is it? Especially not with Duncan needing visas for anywhere in Europe. Maybe one day.

I have tomorrow to myself again as Duncan is working. After getting my hair done and braving Asda for the final Christmas food shop I have to clean the house. We’ve really let it slide this past week or so. The boxes which contained Duncan’s course are still lying on the floor of the lounge. I am infinitely lazy and hate tidying up and cleaning. It just all seems so pointless.

As today is the Winter solstice I intend on making some fantastic dinner (fingers crossed it all works out & doesn’t get burnt) and relaxing. I have come to the conclusion that I shall enjoy my Christmas and New Year and worry about the job situation in 2002.

Not sure when I’ll write again, so I wish you all a happy holiday season and the best of wishes for 2002.

Until there is a next time…


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Have a great Christmas:)

Hope your dinner goes well and a very happy Christmas to you too!

2002 will be a fantastic year. Thank you for your support over 2001 my friend đŸ™‚

Life is far too short for housework!! And there’s plenty of time to find a job after Xmas. Just enjoy it! Have a fantastic time.

Have a wonderful Christmas :o) And thank you for the card!