Driving home for christmas

‘They sold me a dream of Christmas’ Greg Lake – I believe in Father Christmas

It’s almost here, you can almost taste it in the air & feel excited about it all. Having been shopping today for each other’s presents, Duncan and I are very much looking forward to Christmas/Yule. I’m practically busting to tell him what I bought, but I won’t. You won’t tell though will you? Good. I got him the Tolkein books (The Hobbit & all three lord of the rings books) plus tickets to the movie next week, an iron maiden t-shirt & cd single boxset, with photos, a metallica video, a dressing gown (which he chose) and some silk boxer shorts 😉 plus of course the formula one tickets which I’m getting when I get my redundancy money. I can’t wait to see his face next Tuesday.

I headed down to South Shields yesterday for my interview. I thought it went swimmingly. They seemed really happy with my answers & my experience. So you can imagine how gutted I was when they called to say that they’d given it to someone else. Apparently the only edge he had over me was that he had worked on community sites before – which was a major part of the work. I cried for a couple of minutes after the call. It all seems so flipping hopeless at the moment. On Friday I am now going to have to bite the bullet and head into a couple of temp agencies. I had really wanted to save up most of my redundancy but that looks like a no go now. What worries me most is what happens in a few months. It’s all very well temping and living off those wages as well as supplementing it with my redundancy, but that can’t last forever. What am I going to do then? There is no way I can continue on just temp wages, I have debts to pay off & a flat to run. It doesn’t help that things like Sky, council tax, etc are all due to rise in the next couple of months. I think what fills me with dread most is that I might actually have to take the plunge and attempt sales. But I’m not cut out for it at all. If the worst comes to the worst, I’ll be at BT. *shudders* Let’s just say that the next few months seem very uncertain. I think I shall be doing some meditating and soul searching to find out where to go from here. I hope it helps.

Tomorrow is hopefully my last day at Trinity. I have no computer anymore (they were all removed on Tuesday) and Sarah is off for the day, so Pete’s plan is to let me come in late (11am) make sure there is nothing left to do (which there shouldn’t be) and then I can hand my key and pass in and head off home. It really seems a waste of time to go in on Friday, so hopefully I’ll be able to sweet talk him for once (maybe a low cut top would help?). If I’m off on Friday then you can rest assured that I will be hideously drunk at the quiz tomorrow night & will probably just make up answers (which might actually help, who knows?). Then Friday, with a hangover, I will head off into town to join the hell that is data-entry, telephone answering, filing and coffee making of TEMP WORK!!!!!!!!!

At least Duncan started his course today, so fingers crossed in six months he’ll be able to support both of us!!!!

Until there is a next time…


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look satanism doesn’t have ne thing to do with christianity. We don’t believe in satan we just view him as a symbol we worship ourselves and live for ourselves. Since you are pagan i just wanna know how do u feel that the christians stole your holiday christmas.

Hi there!! I’m back!!! But it may be not for long… I still don’t have the internet. So if I don’t see you, have good holidays yay! hehehe.~


Thinking of you and hoping everything works out for you – in the mean time, I hope that you and Duncan have a lovely Christmas and a 2002 that brings you both nothing but more love, luck and happiness xx

well christianity is a big fairly tale but what they did was copied a lot of religions: roman/greek mythology, wiccan, pagan, celtic, judaism, egyption, sumerian, hinduism, buddhism, etc.

there is one thing wasn’t the pagan holiday that the christians stole from u guys on the 21st and what was it called.

ohhhh that sucks that you didn’t get the job 🙁 Something *has* to come up soon! I saw Lord of the Rings last night, under protest. However, it was absolutely AMAZING. I was in complete and utter awe. And I cried twice 🙂