The power of love

‘December will, be magic again’ Kate Bush – December will be magic again

The pools of water gleam like polished glass and the flawless blue sky is reflected in them. Her grey-blue eyes stare into them as the train slips by. The fields on either side of the track are a rich brown, contrasting sharply with the paleness of winter that surrounds. The train speeds up past houses coated in frost, and all she can remember is the first time she saw this, the beginning when there was no him, merely the dream of him.

Then the world was brighter, like Spring. Colours were everywhere and the world seemed fresher and new somehow. Everything was lit by the sunlight and there was nothing to fear. Now though, the bare branches of trees could still not let all the sunlight into the woods. Shadows now existed, and they scared her.

She let her memories return to her. Memories of nights out with friends, moonlit walks and days at the beach. Happier, warmer times when everything had been colourful, rather than this washed out, insipid world that had come into existance.

As she stepped off the train and pulled her scarf round her, she shielded her eyes from the glare of the low, afternoon sun. There was frost on the pavement, not yet penetrated by the little warmth there was, and she walked gingerly along the cobble stones. She turned right and walked up the road, the slight incline that she had walked so many times before. Although neither of them had been born here, it had become their home, the place where they had fallen in love.

She pulled her gloves off her frail hands and rang the bell. Another, more recent memory assaulted her thoughts. The flowers, the cards, the murmurs and whispers from surrounding people, the colour of black and the bleakness of life, so suddenly changed from vibrant colours to paleness. The door opened and she stepped into the warmth, enveloped by old friends. They knew what she was here for; to say goodbye to him properly, to let him rest in the place he had loved the most, and to figure out how she would continue without him.

This has been running round in my head since yesterday afternoon, but I have no idea why. I figured I should it write it somewhere, and here seems a good a place as any.

Until there is a next time…


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December 11, 2001

Wow 🙂 It’s important to get things down somewhere and fast, otherwise they get lost and that’s a great shame. I cringe when I think of the thoughts I’ve lost over the years. Thanks for sharing!

That’s really lovely, you’ve got a great style. Have you thought about developing it into something longer?