Winter melody

‘I turned my face away, and dreamed about you’ The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl – Fairytale of New York

Following on from yesterday, I limped around all day until I got home where I pretty much lay on the sofa and was ordered to stay off my feet. This morning, my knee has turned a disgusting shade of blue/purple and looks like it could go yellow before it is better. I am assuming I cracked nothing as I can still move my knee, but who knows. All I know is that it is swollen & painful.

We also went to the jewellers to kick someone’s ass about the ring (for anyone, such as RTT, who are wondering, it is NOT an engagement ring, merely an xmas present. I will be wearing it on my right hand & only my left hand when I want to freak people – like my mother – out). By some stroke of fate someone had returned the same ring yesterday because it was too small for them. It turns out the ring was in my size & fit perfectly, so no need to shout & yell. Instead we came home with the ring in a little box & it is now on the Christmas tree waiting for Duncan to wrap it. All is happy.

I got my final settlement notice yesterday & discovered I will receive £3,500.01 (can’t forget the penny!!!) during the week of January 7th, which is perfect timing. This morning I also got news of an interview with the council on December 18th (for the job I really want) so, fingers crossed, I won’t have to dip too far into the settlement money. I’ve worked out that, after paying debts (to Duncan) and buying Duncan’s christmas pressie (a little late) I will have just under the three grand, so we are going to have a meal out somewhere & then the rest is going into a savings account. At some point I will get the car fixed and sold, which should leave us with enough to cover legal costs, surveyors fees, etc when we decide to buy a house. That’s the plan anyway. It relies on me NOT dipping into the fund when I fancy something new & saving my own money for the holiday to South Africa. Of course if I get the council job then I won’t need the money as I will be on a decent wage for a change. Now all I have to do is convince the council that they *really* want to hire me. The first step is to write a side of A4 giving tips on how to write with an informal and friendly tone. I swear when I was working in London, they never required any of this ‘extra’ work for the interview. Maybe I was just lucky. The problem I have is putting into words how I write. Not as easy as it firsts sounds.

Until there is a next time…


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Woohoo! What a great week this has turned out to be. Really pleased about the money, and the interview, and the ring – but do you think Duncan will be getting you anything else so you have a surprise on Xmas day?

December 8, 2001

ah ok not an engagement ring…damn! *g* pah I am sure you will have np at all convincing the council to hire you – I am sure this is the break you have been waiting for…and yes I know I have said this for every other job u went for…but honestly I have a good feeling about this one *s* *hugs*

I know all about bruises…I’m the queen of injuring oneself, remember? 🙂 Yay about the settlement!

Sounds like things are looking up. DEcide you want the job and you’ll get it:) Hope the knee feels better soon.

Not an engagment ring? Ah well. I suppose my life has been a bit wedding-tastic recently, so I shouldn’t complain. How would I choose a virtual gift, anyway? 😉

There’s always a big temptation to dip into the fund… I know I have with the money I got from the sale of my house. Resist it 🙂