Frosty the snowman

‘Gets colder day by day’ The Pretenders – 2000 miles

Oh the shame. We went to the quiz last night & ended up minus Niall & Tom – who both seem to know an awful lot – and ended up with a shameful 34 out of 60. We were just about not last out of 24, whereas usually we come in the top 10. To be honest, I really couldn’t be arsed by the end of it – which of course is when we got all the easier questions & managed to bump our score from 25 to 34 in one go. I don’t know whether we will bother next week, especially as we are going away the next day for the weekend. Also, I don’t know if it’s something in the alcohol, but I always get the worst nights sleep on a Thursday. It takes ages to drop off, then I wake up with alarming regularity before drifting back into dreams with a quiz-like nature. It’s all very weird.

To add to my shame I fell over this morning in the middle of Middlesbrough station. I was trying to walk quickly, but ladylike up the stairs (I had a really short skirt on & the bloke walking behind was leering rather disgustingly) when I slipped & smacked my knee on the step & ripped a huge hole in my last good pair of tights. Damn it! Luckily a nearby shop had ridiculously cheap tights which will hopefully last the day.

The jewellers called yesterday as well. Turns out that after promising that my ring would be ready by tomorrow, and therefore Christmas, they now won’t be able to get it done until the end of January. That’s two months after we ordered it. Seems an inordinate amount of time really. Apparently it’s because I have small, thin fingers, and the ring doesn’t normally come in that size. We’re not talking freakishly small or anything. So today we’re going to go in & kick some snooty jeweller’s ass. I haven’t decided whether to find a replacement or see if they can get the ring done by my birthday instead. The second option would mean I’d have to start thinking all over again about what I want for Christmas. Pah!

I have no plans for the weekend. Duncan is working tomorrow but that’s about it. I guess it will be my last chance for anything resembling a normal, relaxing weekend before Christmas.

Until there is a next time…


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That’s a shame about the ring. Seems like an amazingly long time to make…daft. Hope you get some joy when you shout at them!

A ring? Did I miss something big?! 😉

A little leering can be good for the soul! I know what you mean though, I get this one very fat old man that comes into Canadian Tire and always greets me with “hey beautiful” (or something similar). Now, if it were a good looking guy, I wouldn’t mind one little bit 🙂

December 8, 2001

Ring??? I missed something too didn’t I?????? Ouchies on the knee…hope it is ok! *hugs*