Stay another day

‘Holidays are joyful, there’s always something new’ The Carpenters – Merry Christmas Darling

I don’t know what is wrong with me at the moment. I all but screamed at Duncan this morning for something that wasn’t his fault (I don’t think you can blame the imminent nuclear disaster in Israel/Palestine on him). I wish I could blame hormones, but as all I seem to have are the wrong sort then I guess I can’t.

I’m still trekking to Middlesbrough every day. Don’t look so surprised. I’m not anymore. On Friday evil queen Sarah sent an email round saying that no individual would be granted garden leave. Pah. Of course the sales team are all still absent. They were called & told to be back in this week, but they all turned round & said that the regional director had told them they didn’t have to come back, so why should they? I wish I could take this attitude, but quite frankly I need a good reference. But it’s only three weeks & I am still having my two days at home as well as two extra days holiday to take, so it can’t be that bad right?

I took Friday off. I felt so truly awful, and in so much agony that I could barely get out of bed. Instead I spent the day lying in front of the tv and wondering why the painkillers weren’t making the slightest bit of difference.

Last night I began to wonder if maybe we needed new friends. Since we moved to Gosforth we have had fewer and fewer visits. We only moved a mile or so away, a 15/20 minute walk from Jesmond, and yet we only ever see Neo & co when we go over there. Mary has visited twice in the last five months & Neo stopped visiting when the car went out of service – coincidence? absolutely not. I feel rather used in a way. But on the other hand I feel silly for complaining about it. So I don’t. I just sit there quietly & try to ignore the fact that we are the ones making all the effort. I swear if we stopped going over there every Thursday to the pub quiz, we’d never see them. Even then, we are the ones that have to be in the pub early to ensure we get a table for everyone (it’s a very popular quiz). And yet half the team live 1 minute walk away. But heaven forbid we should inconvenience their lives!

Excuse me today. I am irritated by everything. But I am glad to see that many of my favourites are not abandoning OD for fancier ODPlus. I thought I might, but when it came down to signing up I discovered just how non-American unfriendly the entire thing was. But then why should I be surprised? You never know, normal temperament may be resumed sometime soon, but in the meantime, I’m sure there’s some chocolate somewhere in my handbag.

Until there is a next time…


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Thanks for the BD greetings sweetie. You’re wonderful! Love,

I was going to sign up myself but as you say it really is very unfriendly towards us on this side of the ocean. put me right off!

i’m glad i’m not the only one in The Cranky Club 🙂 *hugs*

December 4, 2001

Sending my two fav cure alls *chocolate and hugs* After all I am the hug slut – should I also become the chocolate queen as well *g*

Still dont get it – and yes, I am talking ODPlus rather than your entries! Feeling pretty cranky myself…must be the time of year. And I get fed up with making all the effort with certain friends too….have hinted that it would be nice if they came over to mine for a change, but to no avail. Grrrrr.

Didn’t you read on the side of the packet? “Do not use these painkillers if driving, operating heavy machinery or watching daytime TV”… the two things don’t mix *hugs*