False start

‘Scream “Are we having fun yet?”‘ Nickelback – How you remind me

So I got home on Friday to discover a letter from the company whose job I really, really wanted. It was the standard crap “lots of applicants, more experienced, we’ll keep your details on file”. It was highly disheartening, but by the end of the day I was very much of the attitude ‘well it’s their loss’. I still have the council one to apply for, which I hope I’m better qualified for (not least cos it pays an extra five grand than my current job). On Saturday, after Duncan had gone to work, I hiked it over to the Telewest for ‘the region’s biggest ever job fair’ as advertised by the Chronicle (one of our papers). If that was the biggest, I’d *really* hate to see the smallest. There was no more than 40 companies there and unless you wanted to join the forces, go back to studying, temp or were already qualified in some profession, it was a waste. I went to the temp stands just to see what sort of stuff they had (I’m reluctant to sign up to any company before Christmas as I still don’t know what my working hours here are). I had Pertemps accost me & try and persuade me to join BT. I pointed out that I knew too many people who work there and wouldn’t, thank you very much. I refrained from saying that hell would freeze over before I stepped foot in the BT call centre down the road. It took 30 minutes to wander round the stands three times & then I gave up & came home.

I also spoke to my mum on Saturday. They are taking my sisters to Disneyland Paris on Wednesday. As yet, the girls have no idea that they are going, they just know they are going away for a few days. She also told me that she had been told she had to go back for another scan at the hospital. Apparently she has a funny shaped womb or something and they want to check it out. You can hear it in her voice. She’s laughing it off & making it out to be nothing, but under all of that is the feeling of ‘oh god, this surely can’t be happening again? What if it did spread and they didn’t notice before?’ She will have the scan sometime next month hopefully. I don’t think any of us are up to going through this again, least of all her, so I can but hope it is something minor and inconsequential.

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing. We watched the Arsenal vs Man Utd match. I haven’t laughed so much at a football game in a while. Man Utd are no longer favourites for the championship. How fantastic! We didn’t bother watching the taped rugby in the end as Duncan found out from some ‘helpful’ work colleague that England were stuffing South Africa, which made him sulk & not want to watch. Last night we watched the final 30 of the Top 100 films on channel 4. In trying to guess number one, we had it down to Star Wars or Gone with the wind. It also made me realise that I had seen a pitiful number of ‘classics’, which is made more pitiful by the fact that I am a media studies graduate & surely should have seen more of the top 30 at least. A trip to the video shop is surely in order.

Until there is a next time…


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Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out with your mum – thinking of you,

Hey darlin, Paris Disney gives a whole new flavor to “I’m going to Disneyland!” 🙂 Sounds fun, sort of. You’ll get the job you REALLY want when it comes along. Much love and wishes of a happy day,

I was exactly the same as you whilst watching the top 100 movies…kept saying “I really should have seen that…”. Was a bit miffed that Star Wars was top, but at least two of my all time favourites were in the top five…and James Dean even made it onto the charts! Hope things go okay for your mum.

November 26, 2001

My fingers and everything else is crossed that all is ok with your mum *hugs*

Ohhhh I hope everything works out with your mum. And the job hunt. What’s wrong with all these people that don’t want to hire you?! On another note entirely, it’s actually kind of exciting that this little band from Canada (Nickelback) is known overseas 🙂 You should get the cd, it’s pretty damn good.

Sapphire and I spent the entire programme going “We really ought to see that….”! Join us and our gang of cultural philistines!

November 27, 2001

Couldn’t believe Star Wars was number one.. also couldn’t believe that Usual Suspects wasn’t higher. You know you want to work for BT really. Honestly, you do. Have my job! Please? And finally, I hope your mum’s okay..

i hope the visit to the doctor turns out to prove that mom’s a-ok. i guess no matter where you live, job fairs are a big joke. i’m sorry to hear that nothing turned up. :o(