Only when I lose myself

‘Everybody needs some time… on their own’ Guns n’ Roses – November Rain

Duncan had the day off yesterday. We spent the morning being lazy, but decided to do something active and went for a walk in Jesmond Dene. It was nice and peaceful, not full of the usual fairweather crowds. It wasn’t even that cold (although I was wrapped up for an arctic trip). We walked for a good two hours, through the Dene and then back through Jesmond to home. The walk involved quite a few hills which seemed to do some damage to my calf muscle. I spent yesterday evening hobbling round the flat as it hurt so much. Luckily it seems to be much better today.

There is just nobody in work today. I got in just after 9:30 and there were only two people in. We had a mini-bitching session about Sarah, Pete and general management before others arrived. If only they knew the bad feeling that their actions had generated round the office. The other rumour that has been going round for a few months (of their, shall we say ‘extracurricular’ activities) has merely gathered pace in the last few weeks as they start to slowly pick on one or another. It’s no wonder that the majority of us in the selection process want to take the redundancy. No-one wants to work for them again.

We have our now weekly pub quiz again tonight. I hope we manage to do better than last week and actually get in the prizes. Neo has dropped out but we’ve managed to rope Niall into it (should he bother to remember to turn up) plus the others, so we should still do well. This week though I must remember that other people may know the answers as well, instead of just jumping in there and answering them all myself. 🙂

Until there is a next time…


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Have fun sweetie. 🙂 Love,

November 15, 2001

Pub quizzes are great 🙂 I got hooked on them a few months ago… even seriously thinking of taking up the chance to be quizmaster for a night. Mwuahahaha. 😉

November 15, 2001

Have fun at the pub – will be a good excuse to have a couple of drinks and forget about work for a bit:) *hugs*

Thank you for all of your lovely notes-I always knew you were a lovely person-the notes backed up my opinion! Hope your leg gets better soon and that the quiz goes well tonight!For massage oil, mix a tablespoon of grapeseed oil with 5 drops of lavender-it’s really good for relaxing you & you can also use it on your leg.You could add Ylang Ylang-it’s a sensuous oil, but not everybody likes the

smell! It’s reputed to be a brilliant aphrodisiac for both men and women….I’ve loads of different remedies for different ailments, I’ll email them to you as soon as I figure out how to set up an opendiary email 🙂

RYN:hard feelings? of course not! i love that we each have our own opinions of things, remember, we are in 2 very different countries. it’s interesting to hear what people across the water think. i value you everything you say and how honest you are and i am grateful we can express our views without being persecuted. I hope that i didn’t come off too abrasive to you in leaving those notes.

these pubquizzes sound fun! I wanna play! heheh.