
‘And if you follow there may be a tomorrow’ Smash Mouth – Walkin’ on the sun

I feel like crap. Everything aches, my head, my legs, my neck, my back. I feel tired but can’t sleep, I struggle to breathe & when I do finally drop off to sleep I’m awake moments later struggling to breathe again. As much as I love winter, I hate having the flu. I suppose it could be worse. If I was in America everyone would probably be convinced I have anthrax.

It was so great to see my family again, even if they did arrive 2 hours early before I’d had a chance to get home & do the washing up. My sisters were well behaved, but I think that has more to do with the fact that they are still getting used to Duncan. Yesterday we spent the day with them, even though it hurt to walk, talk and think. All I really wanted to do was sleep, but instead we went to Ikea (oh, how I love that shop! Duncan promised me that once we have our own house we can get an Ikea card and spend far too much money in there… yeah!!!) and the metro centre. It was draining, but good. They left late yesterday afternoon after which I curled up under the duvet.

I had been so looking forward to Samhein (Hallowe’en). It was to be my first as a witch. We’d bought a pumpkin at the weekend & for the first time ever I carved a lamp out of it & sat it in the living room. We bought sweets for any trick or treating kids (but only one showed up, so now we have a nice box of chocolates, just for us!) and I wanted to celebrate properly. So it was quite a disappoint to find myself in bed by 7pm with no energy to do anything other than prop up my book on Duncan’s pillow & read.

Since I started getting to work by train, my reading has increased. It’s really about time I started working my way through all the books I’ve bought over the past year. My mum brought back one of my favourite books yesterday & I re-read it last night in one sitting. It’s short & many would consider a strange choice for a favourite, considering every time I read it I cry like a baby. But it’s inspiring, it makes you think & it makes you want to live every moment of your life because you never know when it will be taken from you. For those interested the book is “Before I say goodbye” by Ruth Picardie. I strongly recommend it.

Anyway, I’m off to turn up the heating (still not warm with four layers of clothes on), wrap the duvet round me, drink some hot lemon & read some more.

Until there is a next time…


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I hope you start to feel better soon:)

Oh baby, I hope you feel better soon. ryn: I’d like to see the real Amerika sometime too, it mostly looks like shopping malls to me. Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids darlin. Love you,

Go to the charity shop, buy a big pile of Mills & Boons and then set fire to them. In one stroke keeping warm, giving money to charity and ridding with world of awful fiction. (Don’t usually support burning books, but in M&B’s case I’ll make an exception!)

I’ve borrowed that book from my mum, but not got round to reading it yet. She read it on a train and cried buckets! Will definitely get going on it tonight, thanks for the recommendation. Hope you feel much better soon.

Hope you feel better soon, Perfy. Have a small tot of something

like I really need another excuse to cry…bah. feel better soon, okay?

November 2, 2001

oh that sux that your not well hon – sending lots of warm snuggly healing energy your way:) For Samhain here we carved apples and dried them in the oven and made crone out of them and did little tiny pumpkins – it looked sooo good:) Hope your feeling better soon *hugs*

November 4, 2001

Ikea.. love it, love it, love it. If I won the lottery, I could very easily spend thousands of pounds there. I need an Ikea card 🙂 And I’ve read Before I Say Goodbye. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever read, as well as one of the saddest. I think I’ve said this before, but the letters to her children at the end.. so so beautiful.