From under the covers

‘I give in to sin, because you have to make this life livable’ Depeche Mode – Strangelove

There is something soothing and relaxing about slow trains. I could quite easily have fallen asleep on the way to work this morning & ended up in Redcar, but I didn’t. Instead I occupied my mind by watching the rain-laden scenery slip by. Seems that Autumn has well and truly by-passed Newcastle and we have slipped straight into the winter rain that is so typical up here.

I spent most of yesterday being productive and searching the same old job sites, trawling through sales jobs, part-time jobs and demands for teachers and nurses. Sometimes I swear I did completely the wrong degree. No-one wants a media or publishing graduate, they want someone who is actually going to prove to be useful rather than some ex-dosser student who spent her lectures watching ‘classic’ films. It’s disheartening.

I spoke to Helen last night who was telling me how ridiculously cheap her trip to Dublin would be this weekend. I think that is one thing I’d like, that we can’t have in our relationship (me & Duncan that is, not me & Helen!). We can’t just decide to fly off to Europe for the weekend. I’d love that…less than £40 for two return flights to Dublin, even we could just about stretch to that. But until Duncan has an English passport, then we can forget it. Any ‘spontaneous’ trip would include flights booked way in advance, before we can even contact the relevant people for a visa for Duncan. Hardly living in the moment is it? Instead we shall have to content ourselves with weekend breaks in the UK for the next 3 and a half years.

Sarah has managed to find some irrelevant, waste of time work for me today. You can imagine how thrilled I am at this prospect. Instead I’d rather be allowed to stop wasting my time & energy, and stop coming in. Maybe it would stop the ulcers appearing. Roll on the arrival of the dreaded ‘structure’.

Until there is a next time…


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Hi! I’m stopping by in hopes that you could help me out, I’m an OD Survivor, and to win this immunity challenge, I have to get a bunch of notes on the latest entry in my diary titles Story Challenge Part 3, So if you could read the -short- paragraph and comment on it! I’d -love- ya forever! Also if it’s that much of an inconvience, all you really gotta say is Go Tonga! ~Shari

Some degrees actually prepare one for a specific job, some just make us more well-rounded and ready for any job…maybe you, like me, have the latter. 🙂 Actually, my degree is in art, I just program computers for money. You’ll find your path as well darlin, it’s one fott in front of the other. Love,

trains are great, despite all the recent bad press. Makes such a refreshing change to just be able to sit and think, rather than battle with the traffic and shout and swear!

October 23, 2001

mmmm I much prefer trains to buses – unfortunatly I only get o travel 2 stops in the train and spend an hour on the bus – such is life LOL Shame u and D can’t just take off somewhee – why does he have to wait so long for a passport?? Good luck with the job hunting:))) I am sure something will xcome up soon:) *hugs*

A day to Redcar… donkies, candy floss, slot machines.. or am I too late in the year now? Oh, and can you see Hartlepool shimmering in the haze across the Tees?

October 23, 2001

I wrote my last note (about hating trains) and yet I read the first part of this entry, and found myself agreeing with you. When they’re on time, and when I can actually get a seat (both of which are rare occurances up here) then I love train journeys. And hope the job stuff goes okay, once again xxx

I really really hope all this schooling of mine isn’t for nothing!! *sigh*

spontaneity is something i’ve never experienced in all my years with Paul. i wish we had that. that, and unlimited money to be able to dash off to Los Angeles or even Albuquerque for the weekend.