On an island with you

‘I’m destined for anything at all’ Green Day – Waiting

I spent a large part of yesterday trying to get my head round the information that kept arriving in my email in-box. We got about 5 emails about the meeting last friday (the first in the consultation process) and I swear I had my thick head on, because I was completely confused by the end of it all. There were all sorts of varying pieces of info, but the upshot of it all seems to be that we should know one way or the other next week. Mind you, that doesn’t guarantee I can leave, it just means I know & have to sit around & wait until mid-december probably. It’s a 90 day process if more than a certain number of people are being made to go.

The second interesting email I got was from Channel 4. Seems they are doing a new series of Shipwrecked -which I’m sure would mean something to me, had I actually watched the first series. The people behind it seem to think that it would be a good idea to have a witch on the show – hence the email landing in my box. I have reservations about this, not least that whilst they say it is intended to educate people more, that largely depends on the people who go. I don’t trust tv people and, like Big Brother, it is the editors who get the final say in what is seen by the public, which may not be what I’d want to be seen – if you get my meaning. Anyway, I’m turning them down for two reasons; firstly it’s 4 months away from Duncan, my family and friends and of course this place, secondly there’s that health problem I have. For the majority of the time it would more than likely be fine, but you never know, especially as I am in a fair amount of pain right now.

My sister also emailed me yesterday. She’s at high school now, with her own school email address. It’s weird, I have to remember to treat her like a young adult now & not one of my baby sisters. She’s growing up, which means I’m getting older. I’m not too happy about that part!

Until there is a next time…


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Dont blame you for turning down Shipwrecked. Apparently Mog has told the kids that he is going to enter for a third BB, if there ever is one. Pity the poor housemates! And I know exactly what you mean about your sister – my brother is 28 now, but I still picture him being about ten – always gives me a shock when I see him!

October 12, 2001

I never was too keen on Shipwrecked – I’m loyal to Big Brother, what can I say 🙂 And I know what you mean about getting old.. I still refer to most of my younger cousins as my ‘baby cousins’ and one of them is in his first year of university. They shoulkd stay young forever, dammit! Have a great weekend xx

She’ll always be your baby sister… and less of the old, thank you!

October 12, 2001

Wow seems they are determined to hook you into something on TV – first the docco and now this! but I dnt blame you for turning it down…I would too. Don’t much like those reality programmes take care of you *hugs*

I imagine a bunch of OD-ers on an island together…now there’s an idea for an entry!

October 12, 2001

Followed you from the diary of Lincoln. I seem to be stalking the ones who can show signs of thinking. Lincoln gathers a lot of thinkers. About your entry. just wait until you turn 62. It is both a knowing there is an ending and being exciting. Old is to forget hope, and dreams. To forget how wise the young are is also old.

hell, my sister is only two years younger than me and I *still* think of her as my little sister 🙂 and for some reason, I can’t picture you being on tv so it’s prolly a good idea you’re not doing it!