I’m not working

‘You can dance inside, you can dance in moonlight’ Kristin Hersh – Close your eyes

Things to do in the next few weeks:

1. Clean house from top to bottom (or side to side, depending on my mood at the time!)
2. Up-date cv & spend hours scouring job papers & sites
3. Complete astrology course
4. Dig out story/book type thing & see if I can be arsed to carry on with it
5. Download more songs & see how long it takes to fill up my hard drive
6. Sort my wardrobe out – it’s a mess
7. Try & remember how to complete level 6 of boxes.. damn game
8. Email all the people I’ve promised emails to for ages & try & remember to send out the photos from London.

I was soooooo bored yesterday. I mean really, there are only so many times you can watch the same videos repeat themselves on Kerrang, Q and MTV2 before the brain starts to go into comatose mode. I read, did loads of playing about on the computer & attempted to do some more of my witchy stuff, but ended up falling asleep (no reflection on what I was reading at all, more to do with the lack of sleep the night before). I just about managed to drop off when Mary called & began berating me for not working & sleeping instead before I could even explain that I was legitimately not working.

So I’m back in the office today, just waiting for Pete to arrive & impart some fantastic piece of work on me, or, failing that, tell me to surf all day until 2pm & then go home. I can’t help feeling that maybe I should stop wasting my petrol & not bother coming in until they have a decision made on the whole thing. The earliest we will know any more is now 15th & all we will find out then is how the integration is going to work. I just want to know!!

Until there is a next time…


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Wow, you have alot to do, I think the main think I have to do in the next few weeks is go shopping LOL. Good luck with the job search! :o)

Boxes. Yes. Along with snake, and ICQ, Boxes, I believe is single-handedly responsible for the largest fall in productivity ever. (although I suppose OD would have to accept its share of the blame for that, too!)

October 4, 2001

Hey hon – just did a quick catch up – gods so sorry to hear about work. But as I keep saying, its probably happening cause there is something bigger and better waiting for you out there – so get out there and create your own reality! *hugs* Still feels pretty crappy I know 🙂 I have faith though that you will make the best out of this. Take care of you *hugs*

🙂 sounds like you have your work cut out for you.

I’m dying to leave my place. I guess we’ll be going for the same jobs in Newcastle then, cos lets face it there’s not that much going around!

boxes? what’s that? when you’re done cleaning your place can you come over here and help me? no? will a please help you change your mind? well, it was worth a shot.

You forgot Freecell and Minesweeper. Evil, evil games!!

October 9, 2001

Oh my god, I’d forgotten all about Boxes! I’m going to have to find it now. Maybe I should phone work and tell them I’m going to be a bit late today.. hmm. Your fault 🙂