Fast car

‘he’s so ambitious, he even sews’ Jimmy Durante – Making Whoopie

Remember I said I could quite easily not work ever again & just spend my days at home? I’m still undecided on this point. I think I could quite easily, but as it’s only day 2 there is also the potential to be seriously bored. I spent yesterday on the pc pretty much all day, downloading various songs and searching the job sites. I have a couple of possibilities in marketing, plus apparently the newspapers in TMD have stopped hiring until after this re-integration fiasco, so there is a chance I could get into the newspapers instead – which would obviously be preferable, especially if it’s in Newcastle. I shall just have to keep fingers crossed.

But other than that I cleaned the kitchen, did the washing & drying and generally was all house-wifey. Helen found this highly amusing at the weekend, but I can understand why. A year ago I would do the bare minimum, not even bothering to cook when I got home from work, but living off lunches and cereal. Now I cook dinner most nights – and this is actually cooking not just opening a box of something. I’m eating healthier, but I’m also eating more – which is why I got so down when I stood on my dad’s scales & discovered I’ve put on weight – no fair! Today on my list of things to do is clean the kitchen (again – I may cook, but I make a damn lot of mess when I do it!) and the ironing. I feel positively domesticated.

Had another talk with Duncan last night about my happiness and managed to make him believe that the last thing I am about to do is pack my bags and naff off back to London. Nothing in the world could induce me to go back to that. I’ve already said that the only way I would now move to the south east would be if I could live & work outside of London, but still be close enough to travel in for the day or evening. Newcastle is perfect – mainly cos it’s got Duncan, but that’s just being soppy & pathetic 🙂

Until there is a next time…


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October 3, 2001

Nothing wrong with being soppy and pathetic 🙂

Lots of people would give a lot to be soppy and pathetic like you.

nothing is wrong with being soppy. its nice.

Give me soppy anf pathetic any day rather than living off cereal… which is what I’ve done this week actually 🙂

you actually iron? on purpose? 🙂 you’re beyond all hope, i’m afraid 🙂