Rescue me

‘I’ve been misunderstood for all of my life’ Urge Overkill – Girl, You’ll be a woman soon

I finally heard from the other company on Friday and they have offered me an interview for this wednesday afternoon. I was beginning to think that maybe I wasn’t even going to be considered. Along with the letter they sent a list of five tasks that need to be completed for the interview. This company looks like they may actually make me work, should I be lucky enough to get the job. Yeah! For almost a year now I have been in this job & trust me, no other job would have seen me get away with so much personal research. When I started reading/learning about paganism/witchcraft used a lot of company time to research the basics. Once I had found as much as I could I started looking into more specific areas, and again I should thank this company for giving me no work whatsoever and allowing me to get a long way into my research. As good as that is though, it gets very boring when you have no work to do. The day drags on & seems to take weeks to reach 5pm, so the thought of work is a very nice idea. (I’m sure I’ll change my mind should I get the job & become snowed under, but for now, it sounds good.)

Anyway, these 5 tasks couldn’t have come at a worse time. Because they want me to get press cuttings & think up forums & polls based on current events. Or, more to the point, current news/events related to parenting (it is after all a parenting web site). Which makes it near enough damn impossible, as all the papers are still full of the attacks on America and talk of war. I guess if I can pull the tasks off well, then I will have more than earned the job.

Duncan didn’t go away this weekend. Half the line-up was stuck in Los Angeles, so the show was cancelled. It meant my weekend of eating junk food, watching girlie movies & doing my nails, etc was kind of curtailed, but with this interview looming I spent most of the time working on that anyway. I spoke to my mum (who gave me some pointers & ideas.. woo hoo!) and she told me that Jenni, the eldest of my sisters is now living in fear of either a terrorist attack or World War Three (not unlike her older sister & parents), so cheers to the media and Mr Bush for that one. She can’t sleep and when she does she wakes up from what sound like horrific nightmares. It’s amazing the damage the media can do to children.

Until there is a next time…


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I have significant issues with the media right now. For all sorts of reasons.

congrats on getting the interview 🙂 You’ll do great, I know it.

Congratulations on the interview – at least there are starting to be some other stories in the news. How about a poll on ‘would you let your child within five miles of Iain Duncan Smith?’ 🙂