(I just died) In your arms

‘Amongst the false applause and the deafening cheers’ Beautiful South – I’m your number one fan

“In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,
while the fortress endures,
the great leader will succumb,
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning”
Nostradamus 1654
In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city

In the city of york there will be a great collapse,
2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos
while the fortress falls; the great leader will succumb;
third big war will begin when the big city is burning

No doubt some of you will have seen either of these two prophecies circulating. Alongside the hunt for survivors, exists the hunt for reason, for knowledge as to why this happened. Many have found solace in knowing that it was predicted. How this provides solace I don’t know, if anything it merely fuels the fire that WW3 is about to start. I’ve lost count of how many diaries and emails I’ve recieved with either of these verses on. I want to set the record straight. They are rubbish. The first quatrain was written by a student to prove that you could write anything predicting terror to sound like Nostradamus. The second quatrain is an amalgamation of two actual verses by Nostradamus, and the final quatrain is a variation on the first one. Do I need to point out the flaws? New York is at 41 degrees latitude, not 45, and anyway Nostradamus died in 1566. If he’d written these in 1654 as it says, I’d be seriously impressed. Don’t believe me? go here

The need for a reason is what drives some people, they need to know why this happened to them. It could have happened to any of us. There are sarcastic, stinging comments I could make, but I will refrain. I somehow think that what I really want to say will never be said here, there will never be a time that this stops hurting, for some people it will be fresh in their mind for the rest of their lives, and I shall remain sensitive to this.

Talk of war still troubles me. I hear stories of Bush forcing the closure of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and asking for permission to fly over Pakistan. First of all, I hadn’t realised that there was absolute 100% definite proof that it was Bin Ladan, if I missed it, can someone please point me in the direction of it. (And I’m talking hard fact here, nothing less). But secondly, there are lessons that need to be learnt, by everyone, but especially by some people in the USA. Please, learn these lessons, before you rain down terror on more innocent people in retaliation.

Until there is a next time…


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September 14, 2001

The Nostradamus “prophecies” have major flaws, it’s difficult to read much into them. For a start, they’re written in a langauge only a handful understand today – translations into other languages have tended to be inaccurate. The verses are also vague – the wealth of different interpretations for each verse is mind-boggling. WW3 was “predicted” for several times during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.

Nostradamus is just a more understandable and believable equivalent to the bible for some people. Everyone needs something to cling to … something to give some sort of explanation. That’s why these false writings are so sick, when people are looking for peace of mind.

Unfortunately, Nostradamus is as unbelievable to me as the Bible. All of this mad prediction-babble makes my skin crawl. Take care xx

thanks for ur note, i’m glad some people don’t see me as an American hating little satan. I completely agree, there has been no nard proof to condem anyone and yet war is already being talked about so frequently. What good can be achieved by killing more people? Love always

Bin Ladin announced a war on American several years ago and proclaimed to kill any American on sight. He hates America because he says America oppresses the Muslim nations in the middle east. He’s killed Americans before, with the US Embasy bombings in Africa a few years ago

Thankfully all three of those things are complete rubbish, as whoever did this just took a sentence or two from different predictions and stuck them together. Morons. I actually own ‘the final prophecies of Nostradamus’ and looked stuff up myself, because I thought the ICQ fwd I got was a bit fishy.

…and the attak on our Naval ship last year. (I forget which country it was). All of those inncidence killed Americans. Bin Ladin applauds the attacks on Tuesday. It seems as if all leads point to him. I don’t want to go to war, but the US has to respond, or else those responsable would have gotten away with it.

My cousin thinks Winnie the Pooh predicted the WTC. I’m skeptical, but I will keep you updated. He’s a bit of a loon anyway, so who knows! (my cousin, not Winnie the Pooh) Thanks for your note!

well done. the more we spread this, the more we stop the hysteria.

September 14, 2001

I’m very easily confused.. I just replied to an ICQ message from you, then tried to add you to my contact list, but it wouldn’t let me. Because you were already on it. But with a different name. Unconfuse me, please 😀 LMM xxx Oh, and hello again!

I’ve never taken Nostradamus seriously…everyone thinks they can predict stuff from him after the fact, but no one’s ever been right in advance from any of his ‘prophecies’. Still, it’s slightly more reassuring than the people who believe all that wacky fire and brimstone stuff in Revelation is going to happen…especially as the US President is one of them

RYN: That’s a good point. Violence doesn’t solve violence, but I think this is a special situation. The U.S. has to respond some how. I don’t want to be at war, but they brought it upon themselves. If there were any other way to solve this…I’d be all for it.

i got that nostradamus e-mail the other day and before even reading this entry i set out to prove it wrong. i found the same website as you and sighed in relief. people can be so gullible can’t they?

i imagine that the FBI and other agenices have compiled, what i suppose is sufficient proof about Bin Laden before they started pointing the finger. if the suspicions hadn’t held water they probably wouldn’t have even mentioned his name. if it’s not Bin Laden then we’d be hypocrites especially since our country’s judicial system is based on the words “innocent until prove guilty”.

Two of the 5 best-selling books on Amazon.co.uk this week were about Nostradamus… I wonder if the authors and poublishers will be giving a donation to the victims of the atrocities?

I think it’s Beautiful South.