Black hole sun

‘Heavy metal suicide’ Billy Joel – We didn’t start the fire

The first part of this entry was written yesterday as the news streamed in and work was abandoned in our office….it is my stream of throughts through the afternoon.

I’m watching the news… Being a ‘not really giving a toss’ kind of news room (we take our stories from the newspaper & rarely write an original/separate story) we actually had Sky Sports on at the time. It was only when someone was on the phone to our counterparts in Newcastle that we realised there was something wrong. Sky news went on and little work has been done since. Watching the pictures of the World Trade Towers on fire and hearing that the Pentagon had been hit was chilling. My stomach turned & had I been at home I’d have probably cried. So many lives in the name of terrorism. To be on one of those planes, being hijacked & not knowing where it was going….One of the towers has just collapsed & my stomach churns even more. I have a stack load of work to do, but can’t help my thirst for knowledge. It’s like watching an effects-laden film. Any second now surely Bruce Willis will arrive to save America? That’s how the films go right? Only it’s not a film. It’s scarier than that because it’s real life. As the finger of blame already looks for somewhere to point itself at, you have to wonder if it will rest on the Middle East. And then you have to start to question why? What drives someone to do this to innocent people? It’s surreal and my thoughts and prayers for those involved seem to be a futile effort. I’m watching journalists try & speak to rescue workers & I wonder if I was in that position what would I do? I know there is a need for a report, for information for the world, but I’d want to be doing anything to help those hurt, trapped, etc. Eyewitness after eyewitness is paraded before the camera all telling the same horror story. And you have to wonder where it will end? What are the chances of retaliation? How many more will be dragged into this before this an ending? And what will the ending be? Each update brings more news of more explosions, more evacuations, more casualties. Buildings across the country evacuated, planes cancelled. As the second tower collapses & reports come in of a 4th hijacked plane on it’s way to Washington, one line catches my ear… the London Stock Exchange is being evacuated. And suddenly this is even closer to home, even scarier. The reports call it Armageddon. It’s surely not far off. Canary Wharf is now being evacuated, the main London building of the company I work for. Yassar Arafat sends his condolences, what the hell else was he going to say? The likely suspect is the infamous Bin Laden. We don’t need to wait for a meteorite to hit, we’ll all end up killing each other way before that.

I drove home last night, listening to Radio 5, listening to the head of some Islamic fundamentalist group in the UK. He talked of how the attacks will make us take notice of Islam, there was no word of condemnation for the horrific loss of life. By 8pm I felt drained from watching the news. We turned it off, it was the same horrific scenes and the same words over and over again. I was plagued all night with dreams and images of the day, being on the plane, being in the building. I slept little.

The one word I have heard bandied about is war, both on the news and on here. Reading the diaries of teenagers in America who actually want to start WW3. That terrifies me. Do they really understand the horror of war? I can’t claim to, I’ve been lucky so far, but our country remembers WW2, the Blitz, the terrorist bombs of more recent years, the terror and devastation. And I don’t want that. How can anyone say that they do? I’m sure I’ll get lambasted by at least one anonymous American teenager for saying this, but going to war over this is a huge mistake. Maybe I am against popular opinion here. I don’t care.

War isn’t Hollywood. It isn’t like ‘Saving Private Ryan’ or ‘Pearl Harbour’. There are no winners. Do you really want the blood of more innocents on your hands? This is Bush’s big test, a test for anyone. I don’t have an alternative answer, but I know that going to war will lead to terrible consequences for the world. All I can do instead is light a candle, send energy and thoughts to all concerned, pray that those responsible are brought to justice, and feel that no matter what I do and say it will be inadequate.

Until there is a next time…


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September 11, 2001

i cried today. i watched the news coverage and i cried like a baby. i felt wrong for crying over people i didn’t even know. my friend called me. we cried together. this day has been horrable. many lives were lost and many tears were cried… by both those affected and those thousands of miles away. cry for the loved one’s others lost on this day. 09-11-02 – the second perl harbor

Young teenagers want war for one fact, out of anger “we’ll get them back” “don’t mess with the U.S.” i’ve heard it all day. It’s the way many americans have been taught, if you kill someone, you’re going to die too. This is far from my opinion, and those who say this don’t understand the whole picture when they speak those words.

The US was never violated like we were during WW2 and so I think maybe American teenages don’t have it in their conscience as much as us British. It’s a failure on their part to understand. It seems to me to be difficult to talk about war when there’s no clear enemy.

I think Americans see war as the solution because this is the first time since the Civil War that they’ve had a ‘war at home’ and don’t think that they’ll get hurt in a war. And, of course, they’ve all forgotten Vietnam and think that the US will win whatever happens

if we start war over this im gonna cry…right now its so evil for us to think that only one place is against us when it could be one of our own people…which is rather disturbing….but thats the good ol’ U.S of A (saracasm)

many other people, including adults want war. they want justice, revenge,punishment. Paul told me today that watching the news made him want to run out and join the army so that he can have a part in fighting for our country. scary. i don’t want there to be a war, but it seems inevitable, especially after the catastophies of yesterday.

I just want things to go back to normal. Somehow though, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

October 1, 2001

Very prescient report.