Not the doctor

‘all those crazy faces run through my mind’ David Gray – We’re not right

I’m still not at work. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever be arsed to go back. I had intended to return today, but the thought of driving back into Newcastle at 6pm tonight as lots of rich, posh people who know nothing about either football or the north, try & make their way from their homes to St James’s Park for the England match was all too much to bear really. I shouldn’t be expected to deal with something like that on my first day back. Then I had planned to go in tomorrow, but the surgery can’t do anything about a doctors note instantly & I have to wait until tomorrow after 2pm to see if I can get a note or whether I need another appointment. And I didn’t see the point in going back to work tomorrow & then taking time off for an appointment on Friday, so I called work & said I’d be back on Monday. Maybe I’ll even go this time.

I’ve really enjoyed my time off. Apart from the sickness & dizziness of course, which are really not fun. But I’ve kind of enjoyed playing housewife, in a sad and pathetic way. I always thought that when I won the lottery I’d still work, cos I’d be bored. I think I can safely say now that I would not. I would sit at home, play on the computer all day and do birth charts for people. I could seriously live like that. If only BT paid a fortune then maybe Duncan could keep us both. (He keeps looking at me funny when I suggest that maybe only he works & I stay at home all day & be a lady of leisure).

I sent off my application for the other job yesterday, the closing date is friday, so fingers crossed. I also placed my ad on the internet yesterday as astrologer/birth chart drawer extraordinaire! Of course I didn’t use those words, but still. Hopefully I’ll be snowed under with requests. That way I could pay Duncan back & hopefully make up the fee I need to do the GCSE Psychology course (currently on hold due to car issues). We shall see.

The History Channel is one of my new favourite channels – just another step on the road to middle age I’m sure. I’m probably supposed to be watching MTVDance or something equally hideous, but the History Channel has damn good programmes – including the documentary I just finished watching about the Salem Witch “Trials”. When someone builds a time travel machine I want to go back & observe the town during that time, just to see what it was like. Hearing about it puts my back up as it was so obviously flawed in a million and one aspects, but still.

Since I’ve been off work I’ve discovered that sad little things brighten my day, like yesterday when the new Ikea catalogue arrived, and no doubt tomorrow when my clothes from Next will arrive. Maybe I should be getting out more, entering the real world. But everyone else seems to be reducing time on here to enter the real world & I wouldn’t want to follow the crowd. I think I shall continue to exist in my sad little computer and flat based world. It seems infinitely safer & nicer than the places they keep showing on the news.

Until there is a next time…


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September 5, 2001


you’re not that strange, my favourite channel is TLC (the learning channel) 😉 Middle age, here I come!!

September 5, 2001

The Dead Kennedys put it perfectly: “MTV Get Off The Air!” 🙂 I only have the standard 5 non-digital channels, so no History channel or I’d probably end up watching it too 😉

It’s not a patch on BBC Knowledge. *ahem*

yes the History channel is way cool. I like Discovery and TLC as well. guess We’re all heading to middle-age together. 😉

If you really want to play bored housewife you should really just sit around watching shopping channels all day. Go on, you know you want to!

It’s when you find yourself watching Watercolour Challenge – and enjoying it – that you need to worry!

September 5, 2001

See now if it wasn’t virtigo and was that other little thing I mentioned – you could of stayed at home *g* – I am not putting thoughts into your head *g*

Don’t ever rip me for spending time on the PC at home again!!!! :0) It’s a nice little comfort bubble isn’t it? hehe Cya soon Neo

“computer and flat based world”… hmmm.. sounds familiar*Fingers crossed*