Loving love.

Love, is the only thing we have that fills us without taking. It’s the only endless commodity availible to the lonely robots of our rational minds. It expands inside of us, regenerating dead tissue, animating lost thoughts and ideas. It’s the air in our breathless minds, the food in our starving hearts, the light that illuminates the fringes of ourselves. 

We can live without love, and that’s the tragedy in the core of everything we do. We can become confused, complacent, scared and misdirected. We can retard our minds. We can become convinced that love is an endless distance away from us, that it purposefully eludes our desperate need to feel full of life. But the truth is, it’s in everything. The act of seeing beauty is the act of recognizing the love in it.

We can feel it. We know it’s there, but knowing a thing to be the case is not the same as feeling that it is. We must have the mental mechanism of the constant search for love. For fulfillment. For feeling. We have to train our minds to feel, because if we don’t we become robotic, purposeless, estranged from the only thing in our lives that can make us feel alive.

It’s not a question of being open, it’s a question of not being closed. The first step is looking inside ourselves and seeing the love that pulsates inside. It might be dim, aching in the dark from living in lack, without water or attention, it might flicker and diminish but it never goes out because love is the purest form of life and if you’re alive you have love inside of you. So first, you see it there, then you take it and show it to the world and by means of comparison you see it in other things. Small things first, then on to more complicated if that’s what you need to make it real. To enforce the mechanism of loving, you have to teach your mind that it will only flourish if it fills the world with the thing that lives inside. You have to make your mind live on the fuel it was intended for.

To love is to be alive. If you dont know that, you can spend your whole existance alone in the darkness of deathly ambivalence. To love is to show others what it is to live life without fear of emptiness. You cannot accept a life without it any more than you can accept living without food. You cannot starve and thrive. If you could see your mind, and it was a thing you could describe, looking at a mind without the mechanism for realising love would be worse than looking at the pathetic pain in the dying body of a starving child.

We have to accept our own innocence, our own blameless need. We need to celebrate ir. Because by doing so you make your life one that prizes action towards a stated goal, a chosen path. It’s the most basic mechanism your life needs to be based upon, or all else will fall apart in apathy.

Love. Take it and make it your own and you will learn to take everything else you need.

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October 3, 2009

ryn: I have often wondered that about brandon frazier if it were me i would lean toward the cremation so i wouldnt be bothered anymore

October 3, 2009

RYN: I might try that. 🙂

October 4, 2009

RYN: Thanks 🙂 you are certainly right x

October 4, 2009

ive been saying that forever!!! i wish i was a robot!! i wouldnt need food money or love!

October 6, 2009

love is what makes the world go round; the chasing, the catching, the letting go. it’s fulfillment at it’s heaviest.