Mommy survey
Mommy Survey
1. How long have you been a Mom? 9 months
2. How many children call you Mommy? One
3. Girl? Boy? or both? Boy
4. Did you know what you were having? I hoped for a girl, but knew early on that it had to be a boy, no sweet little girl would make me that miserable. When we had the US, sure enough he was playing with himself!
5. How old were you when you became a Mom? 25
6. How long were you in labor? Which time? I started and stopped several times both with and without induction and finally had a c-section
7. What’s your favorite thing about being a Mom? Baby snuggles when he is tired.
8. What’s your least favorite thing? lack of sleep
9. Do you want more kids? If it did not involve such a high chance of having big issues again
10. Do you plan on having more soon? Not really
12. How many times have you been pee’d on? Umm… several
13. Barfed on? Once or twice, but a little bit of spit up? Almost daily for the first few months.
14. Is your child named after anyone? His middle name was the same as my grandfathers
15. How did you come up with their names? Found his first name in a crossword puzzle and both my hubby and I thought it was cool
16. When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy? I have a feeling its going to be me.
18. What is the longest you have been away from your children? Umm… the 8 hours I work?
19. Bedtime routine? Dinner at about 11, then change diaper and head off to bed, I think. Bry does that, I am at work
20. Are your toes painted? Its 21 degrees out at NOON, why would I want my toes exposed for that long?
21. Last movie you saw in the theater? Umm… The Lion, The Witch, and the Wordrobe.
22. One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom? my morning coffee/tea
24. One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom: Eating hot food, showering on a regular basis
25. Best Mom perk: Baby giggles, watching him grow up and become able to actually do things
26. Snack you sneak bites from your child: Umm, I use the blueberry baby food as an icecream topping.
27. When the kid is napping, you are: napping too! (I work evenings-nights so do not get a lot of sleep before he wakes up)
28. Where is your child(ren) now? Sleeping in his crib, which means that I should be headed to bed too.
29. Favorite place to buy maternity clothes? Motherhood maternity occasionally had stuff that worked, but mostly my sister, mother and myself made my clothing, and one really big sweater I stole from my husband.
30. If I could do it over, I’d do this differently… I would have made more of an effort to see friends while I was pregnant because I didn’t realize how little of a life I would have after.