X-mas x 3


So this was the first x-mas since my divorce. I was a little hesitant and not sure how it would turn out.

Overall it was pretty well 🙂

X-mas eve, Nick and I decided to celebrate our own x-mas. I had my girls over and we opened gifts. Nick got me a pretty promise ring! He also got me an electric skillet I wanted, amazon gc, notebook, shirt, and a counting change jar. I got him a cookbook, wallet, belt, shirt, playstation gc, and glass measuring cups.

Then on X-mas we had my family first. My nephew made out like a bandit, clothes, toys etc. I got a GPS, a AAA membership, gift cards and a book I wanted. Nick got a cookware set, cookbooks, a gift card for OSU gear, an apron and some nice bamboo untensils.

Afterwards we went to Nick’s family. He has 6 nieces and nephews. They get presents to open first. Let me tell you it was insanity! lol Do not get in their way! In like 15-20 min they had everything unwrapped and the room looked like a tornado had been through it.

We ate way too much good food and laughed our butts off playing a game with all the adults. The only bummer was that I woke up with a cold and sore throat X-mas morning 🙁

Now just working and trying to get better!

Hope everyone had a great holiday!





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December 28, 2011

Sounds like a great Christmas!!

December 28, 2011

Awesome :).

January 19, 2012

Awwww. It sure sounds like a really great Christmas for you! I am so, so happy for you that your life has turned around. 🙂