Short Bullets
- Have I yet mentioned how much I love Leonard Cohen’s songs? Surely I have mentioned it?
I am listening to "If It Be Your Will" right now. ITunes tell me I have over 13 hours of his music…
- Jake and I {and Fred} all like to burn incense. Jakegave me a box of his favorite Satya Rain Forest. I just lighted a stick and moved it well away from the smoke alarms!
- I should really be emptying boxes and putting stuff away but I am instead doing what I WANT to instead what I need to! And after this, I will finish watching the rest of the Hunger Games via the Roku which is my new favorite gadget.
- My digestive system is feeling much better although not totally normal. So, I am sticking to small meals today.
- Just about the time I am considering buying some summer pajamas, the weather here gets cool again! I am not complaining. However, I put on shorts this morning which I changed to jeans a few minutes ago when I realized I was actually shivering!
- I am happy today. The music is "Heart with No Companion" followed by "Boogie Street."
I have heard of the Roku, but not sure exactly how it works. I have also heard wonderful reviews about it as well.
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I had to look up what a Roku is. I thought it was Leonard Cohen, not Leon. Does he have a brother? 😉
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I’ll have to check out some of that music. I use my WII to watch TV and love it. Have heard good things about Roku also. I had my furnace on 3 days this week and wore a jacket to the ball game last night. Crazy!
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the same here with me…..I got some lightweight long pj pants, but for the past 2 days my flannel ones would be just fine!! hugs, Nicky
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Do you know – I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned that in here before …… 😀
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Leonard Cohen works for me too.
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I’ve seen him in concert twice in the last seven months. Wonderful performances. Did you know the Awful Woman who stole from him has a blog? You can find it by Googling “riverdeep Cohen.” She’s a very active blogger and a terrible person.
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It’s good to do what you want sometimes. Things will wait for you! Never hear of a Roku???
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Love my Roku. What a fun gadget.
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I think you can see the music lifts your mood. I’m the same. And my secret is that I play jazz loud when I’m alone–really rocks the roof. No one hears and no one cares. Can’t do that when one lives in apt. or condo near others, I know. I think Sundays are conducive to listening to music, and I try to do that. Today we were on porch and listened to flute recordings–lovely. You sound happier today and I am pleased to note that.
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nick was burning incense yesterday and i thought i was gonna have an asthma attack. it was awful. i have incense that i can burn and it doesn’t affect me like that stuff nick was burning. yes, you should most certainly have days of doing exactly what you want to do. need to’s will still be there when you get the motivation. take care,
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We’ve had big temperature swings…quite cold some days and hot on others.
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I’m burning Sage incense right now – love the stuff – and it helps with the fact that we can’t open up the house in the summer…I hate the stuffiness of that. –Love your comments, by the way, especially you sharing your upbringing and the Virgin Mary! Oh My! I thought I had it bad with upsetting Jehovah (that was my main problem, was making Jehovah mad all the time for just being me…). 😀 Def. adding you.
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