No Phone Still*

Update on phone. No local OR long distance calls can be made or received. The latest email says "1 to 15 days" before it will be fixed. I sent email to Jake last night requesting he calls the number I was given when I moved in to find out the cost of  installing  a land line. I am making no other  comments at this time because it is not good for me to be so angry.

I have GOT to get some groceries this morning. Normally I do not go grocery shopping on a weekend since it is so much easier to go on a week day, but I have just finished the last bowl of cereal a few minutes ago. And the last bagel went about three days ago and the last slice of bread went last night. Actually, I am sitting here thinking I could load the bread machine this morning which would enable me to put off, yet again, the shopping until Monday. I have stuff in the freezer, most of a quart of milk, tea, potatoes, onions and cans of soup, hmmm, I could go out on Monday…

Mentioning the potatoes, the guy came back to check on the sticky pads he had put down for the mouse and there was no sign of the animal. He said that hopefully {for both me and the mouse} the mouse was outside when the hole he entered through was blocked with steel wool which the mouse could not bite through. Anyway, no more mouse turds and the potatoes are safe!

The unpacking is still going on. I still haven’t found my red tea caddy, the big flashlight or the shelves for one of the bookshelves. There are still three tall, thin boxes which might be pictures or canvases, three plastic totes and  five {Or more—I can’t see them because they are under a table–} unopened book-size boxes. Oh, and two half-emptied book-sized boxes. And, of course, piles of "stuff" waiting to be put away… And somewhere in this apartment, a DVD of "The Hobbit" which came from Amazon last Tuesday and which I put "somewhere…"







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March 23, 2013

I love “somewhere” … that safe and secure spot where you put things so that they won’t get lost.

March 23, 2013

In my house it’s “somewhere logical” which disappears the moment anything is put there.

March 23, 2013

Lost items are always found in the last place you look. At least in my case that is true. 🙂 – – – –

March 23, 2013

It’s not safe for you to be alone without a telephone. I sure hope you can get back any money you have spent on a non-working telephone!

March 24, 2013

I am in the midst of packing so will be in your situation at the end of May. What fun to look forward to.

March 24, 2013

I have that spot whee I put things so I won’t forget where they are…I have still yet to find that spot and a lot of things seem to have disappeared there! 🙂 We have the Hobbit as well and ended up getting it on 3D. We haven’t watched it yet because my list of things “to do” seems to never end.