Still Unpacking…**

  • I forgot to mention I am STILL having problems with my cell phone. Emails fly back and forth from Virgin Mobile to me and vice verse. It seems to me that they are having me do the same things over and over and of course, we are getting the same results. Actually, this morning we took a step in the wrong direction. Formerly, I was only blocked on long distance calls. Now I can’t make local calls either.
  • Jake brought his vacuum cleaner over for me to try. It is an LG and VERY heavy. It vacuums very well; though. At the moment, I am considering a Dyson. I am thinking right now this LG is a bit too much vacuum for me. But we shall see.
  • The handicapped tags arrived today. I got two so that Jake could have one in his truck when he drives me around. They are good for 6 months and then have to be renewed.
  • I am slowly, very slowly, getting things done. I still haven’t found my flashlight nor the big red caddy marked tea. But I do have some tea. It was in my first grocery order! Oh, and the shelf part of a book shelf is missing. But there are still boxes unopened.
  • My plan for tomorrow is to set up one of the folding book cases and start opening some boxes marked books.
  • I washed a lot of clothes today and put away most of them.The rest will get done tomorrow.
  • Next week I have an appointment with my new ophthalmologist.
  • Onward and upwards!








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March 16, 2013

I noticed that I had over 1300 emails in my Inbox today so I spent an hour cleaning them out. I noticed many of them were back and forth to AT&T when I was trying to get things straightened out. Nothing is easy anymore! I just bought a cheapy Eureka vacuum this week but I love it. It is so light and picks up good enough for my needs.

March 16, 2013

About your phone, ask to speak to a manager and be very firm. Tell them you want this problem resolved now! They will keep giving you the run around if you don’t get firm and let them know you are tired of this. Good luck.

March 16, 2013

I had to literally SCREAM at the Verizon tech guy one time because they just kept talking and not listening. It was awful.

ryn: Thank you. Coming from you it’s one of the biggest and best compliments ever! 🙂

March 17, 2013

you’re getting there with the boxes. would you believe that i still have boxes of books in the basement that haven’t been opened since we moved here dec of 98? wish i had enough book cases to put them all out. hope the new eye doctor is a good fit for you. as for your phone… might be time to call and speak with a manager as high up as you can get. this has gone on long enough. take care,

My niece just got a great deal on a Kirby vac at a yard sale. She paid $20.00 for a $1500.00 vac and shampooer and it works great! I told her that only she could find a bargain like that! LOL Our handicapped tags are good for something like 5 years here. Hugs,M

Sorry about your phone…I hate when someone decides to start poking around in stuff that isn’t their problem. I hope you get it straightened out. I have always wanted a Dyson too..but they are so expensive. I am just happy with whatever sucks up the cat hair at this point:)