Still Unpacking!

Today I opened a box marked "cushions /baskets" and found not only cushions and baskets but the harps and finials for the two lamps! I had about given up on them thinking I had thrown them out with the paper!

It has been quite warm here today. I opened the sliding glass door late in the afternoon when it got cooler and a nice breeze came in. I do have air conditioning but I want to hold off turning it on as long as I can.

With the mailbox not being right outside the door I sometimes forget to check it. Today I was pleased to find my new checks for the new account. I went to the Social Security site and had no problem moving my deposit from the Vermont bank to the credit union here but it won’t start until May. Then I tried the PERS site in MS  which I couldn’t make head or tail of so then I tried calling them only to have my phone beep at me and snottily tell me I wasn’t authorized to call that number! I tried a couple of other long distance numbers and was told the same. I sent email to Virgin Mobile yet again. { A couple of days ago, I was trying to add money to my account and apparently, they didn’t want it! In the end, they finally took it} So this evening I got a detailed email from Virgin Mobile  telling me to do about five things one after the other and starting with "Take your battery out of the phone for at least a minute." I know it sounds as if this is not a good place to have a phone but it is only this last week I have had so much trouble. However, I may call and see how much a land line would cost if this goes on…

This IMac just told me it is 12 o’clock so I had better get to bed.







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March 12, 2013

I don’t know what kind of phone you have, but mine gives me crap when the text message inbox and outbox get full. Hope you get yours figured out soon. The nice thing about the way things were packed is that every box is like Christmas–you’ll never know what surprises you’ll find!

Good that you found the lamp pieces. One less annoyance. Cell phones … Argh… Thats one of the few things Husband deals with. I moved three years ago and left a small box marked “Things I can’t identify but other things may fall apart without” on the kitchen counter – I left most of the furniture and appliances for the buyer. Yesterday, he called me and asked if anything I kept had fallen apart for lack of the stuff in the box. I said no. He said he thought he’d throw the box and contents away. As we talked a while about the old neighborhood, he suddenly said, “Hey. I think this bolt goes on the lounge chair.” He hung up to try it. I may never know if it did. Glad it’s his problem. So far, I don’t have any of those unidentified things here. Give me time.

March 13, 2013

i’ve found the best thing to do when my phone acts up is to remove the battery and start over just like when i reboot my laptop. will be glad when i can open my windows and doors to let cool breezes come inside. not warm enough to do that right now. hope you slept well last night. take care,

March 13, 2013

I now know how to pack when I move!hahaha It sure seems like a good idea to get little surprises for weeks. You will love hearing the birds sing in the morning thru these open windows-and depending what kinds of windows you have there are locks that will allow you to open them all the time and still be safe. be well;peace…dan

You are seeing light at the end of the shouldn’t be too long before everything is unpacked, then you can relax and enjoy your apartment:)

March 13, 2013

There is nothing that I enjoy more than being able to have the windows open and letting the breeze in. One of my most favorite things.

Glad those harps and finials finally showed up!!! RYN: No hurry. I’m beginning to think we’ll be down here for good. *sigh* Hugs,M

March 13, 2013

It’s good to hear that you are finding the lost items… didn’t happen to find Starting Over’s lost Kindle, did you? LOL!

March 13, 2013

Sounds like things are getting done. I’m glad you found the lamp pieces. I admire your ability to make progress day by day.

March 15, 2013

It would be really handy if the movers, since they are able to write “cushions and baskets” on a box, would also be able to add “and lamp parts”! I would never think of looking in a box marked “cushions and baskets” for my lamp parts, either! I have had my AC on already….in my car more than in our house. hugs, Nicky

March 16, 2013

RYN. The breadmaker was trying to work without the paddle but getting nowhere. I haven’t made a loaf yet when the paddle hasn’t been stuck inside it. The last time it was in so deep that it made a huge hole when I finally managed to get it out. Not sure how to solve the problem though.