Light! **

I felt as though I got a lot done today but there doesn’t seem to be much difference in the piles of stuff that are around here! One thing which HAS helped how I feel is that I have made a point of getting as much daylight in here as I can. I opened the blinds in the bedroom and the living room. Also, as it got dark, I turned all the lights on before it got completely dark.

Now, an example of how this clutter is bothering me. I normally have my books organized. I have Fred’s dictionaries and my books on various aspects of English together with the Italian books. I have art books all together as are the cook books. There is a collection of my favorite poetry books and a small collection of miscellaneous books like the missal my father gave me, a couple of books by and about Rudyard Kipling that my father left for me when he died and some books my Auntie Babs gave me on birthdays. When these were packed, they were put into boxes mostly by size and as they are coming out, they are going on the shelves in no particular order. This bothers me. But the thought of piling them up on the floor in their categories and then putting them where they belong bothers me even more. I have decided I can put up with a bit of book confusion to get everything out of boxes and OFF THE FLOOR!! Well, it will all get done eventually… I have never thought of myself as a particularly tidy person but I AM organized {which one has to be when teaching} and this completely unorganized clutter is having a bad effect on how I feel.

I also got my accounts with the credit union on line so tomorrow I may see how complicated it is to get social security and my teacher’s pension transferred to this account  rather than the one in Vermont. If I arrange this to start in April, the bills will all be paid and I can transfer the money in those accounts to the accounts here in NC. Incidentally, Amazon is STILL refusing my debit card from the account in Vermont. I have left them email and hope this will all be sorted out tomorrow.

Goals for tomorrow: Keep slogging onwards!








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March 3, 2013

Amazon is very picky!(So is PayPal)But I appreciate them being so because I had my identity stolen. What a mess that was! My bank was bought out by another bank & I had difficulty with both amazon & paypal. Basically had to prove who I was before things were back to normal. I still pay my bills the old fashioned way(won’t do online bill-pay because of what I went through with the identity thief.

March 3, 2013

Clutter drives me crazy, too.

I, too, need to be organized. I heard youngest daughter exclaim to someone, “The storage bins in Mother’s closet are LABELED!” She sounded as though that were peculiar. I would never get anything done if I weren’t organized, although my lately-grown-horrible penmanship has limited my list making. How shall I ever know what I’m doing without lists?

What is the deal with that account! So frustrating I’m sure! As long as you continue to move forward you are making progress!!! You sound like me with your organization. I like to be that way too, although Elton is the total opposite. I’s sometimes hard for me to keep things the way I like them when he seems to go around behind me messing them up. LOL Hugs,M

March 3, 2013

🙂 – – – –

March 4, 2013

i’m sure amazon will get things cleared up soon but i can imagine how frustrating it must be right now. you’ll get there with all those boxes.. won’t be too much longer til you have no boxes on your floor. take care,