Survey *

I stole this from the OD diarist Veronicacorningstone:

Current clothing: A white turtleneck that used to belong to Fred, jeans, and a black sleeveless vest.

Current mood: Better than yesterday but not up to my usual level.

Current taste: A sandwich with raw Vedalia onions.

Current hair: short and clean since I washed it this morning.

Current annoyance: On the shopping list I picked up this morning, I had some small containers of ice cream listed. They were replaced by a big container of chocolate ice cream. I don’t actually hate chocolate ice cream but it is never my first choice.

Current smell: Onions!

Current thing you ought to be doing: Well, actually, there isn’t anything I ought to be doing except opening boxes and I can’t do this until the boxes and bags of trash are disposed of….

Current jewellery: None

Current book: I am rereading some of Deborah Crombie’s police procedurals…


Current refreshment: Water with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Current worry: Well, of course, it is the boxes. I have so much "stuff!"

Current crush: I don’t do crushes

Current favorite celebrity: None

Current longing: To wake up tomorrow morning to find all the boxes opened and gone and all the stuff put away.

Current music: Nothing at the moment but earlier on I was listening to Leonard Cohen.

Current wish: See current longing!

Current lyric in your head: Nothing at the moment

Current makeup: None.

Current undergarments: Cotton panties with flowers on them

Current regret: Having the second Vedalia onion sandwich…

Current desktop picture: Since I can’t see it, I don’t know. It is set to change every 15 minutes.

Current plans for the weekend: Saturday I opened boxes. Sunday I didn’t.

Current favorite cuss word: "bloody hell"

Current disappointment: That I am not physically strong enough to do what needs to be done.

Current amusement: I have cat pictures on my PC desktop!

Current love: Feta cheese

Current obsession: Getting this apartment ready

Current avoidance: Doing the necessary things to make this apartment ready!

Current thing or things on your wall: Nothing but I have many paintings leaning up against the walls.

Current favorite movie: Movies don’t interest me very much

Current favorite TV show: I don’t watch TV shows much. I like TCM but I don’t make a point of watching anything current.



Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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Water with lemon, my favorite! Hmm, current undergarments, depending on the diarist I’m not all that sure that I would always want to know that answer! LOL Hugs,M

February 27, 2013

I totally missed this entry. Since you and Tornado both did it, Maybe I will, too.

Odd – I missed this also. I should do this survey using fictional answers. E.g. thong for underwear –