Visit to Doctor

Jake got some time off and took me to the new doctor. It was rather nice to to talk to a female doctor who laughed at some of the comments I wrote on the huge amount of paperwork I had to fill out. For example, whenever I am asked when I entered menopause I always answer something to the effect of "I don’t know exactly since this is not something that happens on one day. I think I was around 50." I saw her grin when she read that. Apart from her laughing at my silly comments, I like the way she thinks. She also goes along with generic meds if possible and was encouraging about physical therapy. Paperwork for that should arive in a few days and call them if it doesn’t. I have got the appropriate paperwork to send in for a handicapped tag to hang on the mirror. I am getting two so one can stay in Jake’s truck for when he takes me somewhere. I am surprised, however, that I have to pay $5 for each tag. I gave her all my previous doctor’s names and so her office should have no problems getting the information since the hospital and the doctors in the part of vermont  where I live were all computerized and linked together. This was very helpful especially for Fred who took lots of different drugs.

I  think that this appointment took longer than Jake thought it would because he dropped me off in front of my building and wouldn’t come in. Well, first appointments always take longer than others and this included giving a blood sample and peeing in a cup. I am not used to a doctor’s office having its own lab since the previous one always sent me to the hospital lab for the testing stuff. I have to say that the nurse {she was an RN according to her badge} was amazingly good at getting my blood. Usually I have been one of the people where the phlebotomist has tried three times with no success and I have to be passed along to someone else. This nurse {Call me Martha} inserted the needle and got  a vein the first time. I was impressed.

Ok, enough about the doctor appointment. I was starving when I got home and had some soup. Then I ley down and dozed off for about an hour. For my evening meal I have had cucumber sandwiches on rye with cream cheese. One advantage of living alone is that I can have whatever I want for any meal. I am fairly conventional with breakfast usually having boiled eggs and toast, or cereal, or a bagel and cream cheese, but I tend to have whatever feels good at lunch and dinner!

Now I am going to watch "Game of Thrones: Season 2" which arrived yesterday!

Goals for today:

  • Go to the doctor
  • Open two boxes and put contents away. Well this was partly done. I opened one box and put away about half of the contents.


Goals for next week:

  • Open a new bank account. I am still thinking I might get this done this week
  • Open boxes



Goals for the near future:

  • Get all these boxes emptied and everything put away


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 20, 2013

Hooray for getting the new doctor crossed off the list. You’re getting pretty close to having all the “living in a new place” tasks taken care of.

Sounds like you have found a wonderful new doctor and yay for her nurse getting your blood in one stick!!! Hugs,M

February 20, 2013

So glad to hear that it all went well!

That’s a nifty trick to find out whether or not the doctor actually reads all those forms! I always assume they don’t since it’s been years any doctor has actually asked for clarification on the ones I mark with a ‘?’ mark.

February 21, 2013

sounds like you found a pretty good doctor. it is good to be able to have whatever you want to eat without having to consider someone else. you’ll get those boxes emptied and gone. just takes time. a nap sounds really good right about now. take care,

I am glad you found such a good doctor…those are hard to find! I am on a rye bread kick lately..I even bought Rye Triscuits. I must be bored with whole wheat, lol. Happy Thursday:)

February 21, 2013

I’ve been eating peanut butter and jelly for dinner and I love it

February 21, 2013

Your doctor sounds like mine. I think women doctors have a better “bedside manner”. Yes, getting to eat whatever I want is one of my favorite perks of living alone!