And Today…

  • One disadvantage about ordering food on line is that something I really needed as a vital part of the recipe {chopped garlic– I can eat it but I can’t chop it because no matter how much I wash my hands, I repel zombies for a week at least} was "not available". I also discovered that some condiments I ordered in a small size turned up in a large size. The way I feel about it that one can be an error, but three is someone being very careless or a deliberate cost-more substitute when I get three in a different size. The last time I made an order, I didn’t check the "substitute" box and I got a phone call telling me what was not available and asking if they could substitute. This time I checked the box and I am not happy if those larger sizes are a substitute for the smaller one I ordered. Mind you, some of the substitutes look like fun. I ordered two loaves of rte bread because I love rye bread and a loaf can go into the freezer for a week or so with no problem. But on the sheet it said "substitute chocolate cake" for the second loaf! Actually, that had to be a typing error because there were two rye loaves and, alas, no chocolate cake! Next time I will drive out there with my shopping list get an electric cart and get what I need. Actually, I shouldn’t need much for a couple of weeks. I have gotten two fairly big orders because such staples as mustard, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce–all the good stuff in the refrigerator and freezer– were given to the neighbors.
  • I did a lot better getting to the store this time but got spectacularly lost on the way back! But the thing about a GPS is that I am never lost for ever! Also I saw something I had not seen before today and that was a yellow flashing turn-left arrow. It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what to do… The people behind me were not amused…
  • I am surprised how not-active the local Freecycle is. I used to get 8 to 10 emails a day when I was in Vermont. Here I am getting one or two a week. Maybe I should also add the Raleigh group to my list. There are many students and people moving in and out of jobs there. I offered a bag of clothes hangers, and even specified that there were no wire ones and haven’t had a nibble…
  • Ok, time twalk out to my mail box which I haven’t checked for a couple of days and then to  fix an evening meal for myself. I have some fish fingers in the freezer and I am just like a kid about them! AND, I DO have ketchup, after all–a LOT of ketchup!


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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I LOVE fish sticks!! In fact, other then tilapia it’s the only “fish” I’ll eat. Elton argues with me and says it’s not really fish. LOL Hmm, I would have though your area would have a great free cycle program. Ours is horrible here too. I wondered how well the ordering groceries would work out, mainly if they would get things right or not. Hugs,M Oh, did you get my message on your last entry?

^I haven’t had fish sticks in years, but I am pretty sure that is the only fish I will eat too (I remember loving fish sticks as a kid) other than that- canned tuna. anyway, to get the garlic smell off your hands, rub your hands with a metal spoon while you wash your hands, it will get rid of the smell.

You need to know this right now: Zombies are not repelled by garlic! Vampires are repelled by garlic. I don’t want you to get in a situation where there is a zombie attack and you think you are safe with your garlicky hands. You can buy pre-chopped garlic in a jar.

February 13, 2013

I know I would be happier getting my own groceries, I’m very picky. And I don’t think I could eat a fish stick, my boys loved them growing up and I got so tired of the smell. This was after they were big enough to fix their own snacks or meal if I wasn’t cooking.

February 13, 2013

For a dollar you can get a small box of latex or plastic gloves that you could wear when chopping garlic. I also read somewhere that to get onion smell off your hands. Rub your hands on a stainless steel spoon. I tried it one time and it actually worked. I don’t know if it would work for garlic.

February 13, 2013

Did you end up in the Duke town? That area is one of my favorite parts of this country. So many things to do, intellectual, physical and emotional/spiritual. I checked at our little local store today and they do the same thing-shopping and it costs 5 bucks-but they will deliver locally for the same 5 bucks! 10 farther out and 15 max. be well;peace…dan

February 13, 2013

We tried potato crusted fish filets, and they are wonderfully spectacular. Even the kids enjoy them.

I see others have noted it, but I’ll third (or fourth) the suggestion of washing your hands while rubbing a stainless steel spoon in your hands under running water. It works great for removing the smell of onions and garlic from your hands.

February 13, 2013
February 13, 2013

I have the same problem with online food shopping. At Christmas I ordered cranberry sauce to go with the turkey. They must have run out and they sent me blackcurrant condiment which was no good at all!

February 14, 2013

LOVE fish sticks!! might have to get some tomorrow when i go to the store. i just joined free cycle and so far 90% of the emails i’ve received have been for people wanting something. not much in the way of offers. i read your comments about garlic repelling zombies to my grandson. he told me to tell you real quick that if you encounter a zombie garlic won’t do it. he said garlic repels vampires. he didn’t know what repels zombies. this made him go off to school chuckling to himself. thanks for that… he really didn’t want to go this morning. he was sleepy and wanted to stay in bed. i don’t know if i’d be comfortable in letting someone else choose my groceries. when i do it for the older man, i make sure i call him if there’s any question and let him make the decision of what i’m to choose for him. now i know what to do to get the garlic smell off my hands… either use chopped garlic from a jar or rub a spoon on my fingers. good information to know. take care,