Plans for Today

Jake and I didn’t get to go out to lunch because he hurt his back when he was cleaning up his back yard on Saturday.  He called me last night to tell me he had rested and was feeling a lot better and to ask me if I was aware of the tornado which had, apparently meandered down Main St. in Hattiesburg. MS. I had seen it on the news and wasn’t worried about my ex or my older son because the ex lives a good distance away and the older son lives about 30 miles away although he does work in Hattiesburg. Jake called his dad and although he got a lot of wind and rain, everything was OK. I am going to try calling Nick {older son} today. He works for MOT and their office is right on Main St. There was so much damage after Hurricane Katrina that the offices had to be completely rebuilt…

Things I intend to do today:

  • Let clever machine make a loaf of bread. {Yes, I found the salt.}
  • Open  at least two more boxes in the bedroom and put away as much as I can. {It is not the boxes that are the problem but the stuff inside them!}
  • Be utterly ruthless about disposing of stuff I should have disposed of before I left VT.
  • Empty dishwasher and put what is in there away.
  • Work for a specified time and take regular breaks. My back is still hurting somewhat but it is at least 95% better than it was.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 11, 2013

Does that machine really work? How long does it take to make a loaf of bread? Been thinking , long time, about getting one of those, but I figured there would be so much clean up with a machine.

February 11, 2013

Yum! Bread! I haven’t used mine in a very long time. I should, I suppose, but I stopped because the calorie-to-nutrition ratio was so bad.

February 11, 2013

might have to go to goodwill and see if maybe they have a breadmaker. i’ve always wanted one cause i love fresh baked bread. the smell is heavenly. hope your older son is okay. glad to hear jake is doing better. backaches keep me from doing all i want to do. like you, i find taking frequent breaks is good for preventing backaches. maybe i’ll be able to go thur a couple of drawers and get rid of some of the multitude of socks that are there. i’m certainly gonna try to do it today or tonight. take care,

February 11, 2013

My parents always had a bread machine, as soon as they came out, and used it frequently. I have found myself lately wanting one badly. I am trying to justify the purchase and am thinking of adding it to a wedding registry. LOL (One can hope right?) I think moving is so overwhelming, like completely and totally! Here you are subjected to massive boxes of stuff and then you need to find placesto put it all. I don’t like it! 🙂

February 11, 2013

As I read about you emptying boxes I was thinking that I need to get back to filling boxes for the Thrift Store. Wish you could just “wish” the empty boxes to me! LOL!

February 11, 2013

It must be a little easier to throw away things now that you are in a new place. Yeesch…a tornado wandering down a street.

February 11, 2013

Taking breaks amidst working is the best way to go. :o) !! I get a lot more done that way; each break is like a small reward for what I’ve done so far! I’m glad you found your salt so you can ask your clever machine to make bread for you! hugs, Nicky

Do you have a treat for yourself planned when you get the last box sorted and put away? I think having a reward to look forward to might make the task less tedius 🙂

So glad to hear that your son is OK! We live in tornado country ourselves and it can get pretty scary. I have a question for you: what made you choose the Kindle over a Nook? Thinking about getting one when at some point and I was just wondering what your thoughts were on them. Hugs,M