A Good Night’s Sleep

  • I have just discovered that if I turn all lights off at night, I sleep better! I  know, I know! Fred was very nervous about falling so we had lights left on all over the house at night. At first it was nightlights but then as his eyesight deteriorated, it was low wattage lamps. So, automatically, I had left a light on in the bedroom at night. Last night I forgot to turn it on and I slept from 11:30 to 8:30. If my back wasn’t hurting so much, I would say I feel great!
  • I will be glad when my digestive system gets used to NC water and settles down! I am assuming it is the water because I have had the same symptoms every time I have moved but if the whole system doesn’t settle down soon, I will go talk to a doctor. Actually, I have got to go talk to a doctor anyway . My medications are for three months and were just recently refilled so I don’t have to rush this, but I will need a doctor and especially I will need an ophthalmologist. Glaucoma isn’t something to ignore…
  • It is odd following the same routine in a different kitchen. Every morning I fill the electric kettle with water to make a pot of tea and while it is working up to boiling, I put bread in the toaster and then load the dishwasher with the previous day’s dishes. {No, I am not a member of the-kitchen-must-be-cleaned-before-I-go-to-bed club!} In the apartment in Vermont, I was so familiar with where everything was I could do all this stuff when only half awake. Here, right now, everything is in the "wrong" place. This morning I got quite frustrated figuring out where the cups I use for tea were! And, of course, they were right by the kettle and the teabags and the milk jug just as they were in Vermont but in a different place in a different kitchen!
  • Either today or tomorrow, Jake and I are going out for lunch or dinner! Yes, we had agreed on a day and time but since I have the attention-span of a gnat… Back in the days when I was teaching and needed to remember things like that, I always wrote it down on a calendar on my computer. Although my IMac is hooked up, I really can’t get to it easily until I move some more "stuff," in this case, folding book shelves. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter when Jake is coming as long as I know he is. I also need to get him to move boxes out of the walk-in closet so I can get more clothes hung up in there.
  • Monday I am going to the grocery store to get important stuff I have run out of, namely bagels and salt. I was going to let the bread machine make a loaf this morning but I can’t find the salt. I will buy some and then open another box {NOT marked "Kitchen"} and there the salt will be. Which reminds me that I have just finished reading an interesting book about the history of salt  by Mark Kurlansky. The book, to no one’s surprise, is called Salt. I recommend it.
  • OK, time to move clothes from the washer to the drier and empty the dishwasher and … and…

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 9, 2013

Good for you! Isn’t it great when a solution is so easy?

Sounds like you are settling in nicely:) I am part of the “kitchen has to be clean before bed” club. I think I might be the president. I have tried leaving dishes in the sink over night, but I obsess about them to the point I get up and just do them. The kicker is they are rinsed out, just sitting there, it isn’t like there is food drying on them :/

February 9, 2013

So do you have your very own washer and dryer now? No more trudging up and down the stairs? Awesome!

you could go ask your neighbor for some salt? maybe? (I have never done that, personally.) ryn: no, I found it on pinterest. 🙂 And yeah, a lot for one person, but I bet it freezes great, and I bet leftovers are delicious! (I will let you know, I have leftovers too)

February 9, 2013

Insert big grin here. You’re doing splendidly.

There’s nothing as restorative as a good night’s sleep. I’m glad you slept well. I’m a wee bit envious of your laundry situation. Same floor, right? If you have a walk-in shower I’ll really be jealous. (but happy for you)

February 9, 2013

I always find what I was looking for as soon as I return from the store after purchasing what I couldn’t find at home. 🙂 – – – –

February 9, 2013

I’m glad you remembered about darkness! ;o) !! even though it came about from you forgetting to turn the light off! And whenever you and Jake go out to eat, I hope it’s absolutely scrumptious and hope you have a wonderful time! hugs, Nicky

February 9, 2013

This entry reminded me that I have an electric teapot. I need to get it out. I’ve been making tea in the coffee pot and really don’t like doing that.

February 9, 2013

This entry reminded me that I have an electric teapot. I need to get it out. I’ve been making tea in the coffee pot and really don’t like doing that.

February 11, 2013

In no time at all you will feel like the master (mistress) of your domain.