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Well, as you know by now, the car is here. The guy who brought it parked it in a handicapped parking space and put my Vermont tag up on the mirror. I didn’t notice this until he had gone but, ummm, I am not in Vermont any more! He also put the hand brake on. I never put the handbrake on because I can’t take it off. Arthritis has diminished the strength of my hands a lot. Fortunately, Jake was coming over anyway to bring me the cord for my Kindle Fire and so he dealt with the brake for me. I rewarded him with some home-made chili to take home with him.

One thing I noticed when I was out seeing if I could release the brake was that the gas gauge says I am running on empty. There was three-quarters of a tank when the car was picked up. Fred was always amused  because I always refill the tank when it hits the halfway mark. I am actually a bit neurotic about this, so no prizes are offered for guessing the first place I will go today!

And mentioning Fred reminds me that Diane, his daughter, called me yesterday to say that the check for the money that his daughters are very kindly giving me is in the mail. When this arrives, it will be a huge relief and I can open a new bank account here in NC and get some bills paid off… And talking about bills reminds me that I had the cashiers check made out to the moving firm ready to hand over to the man who delivered my car and he refused to take it! I emailed the guy in VT who set all this moving stuff up and asked him what to do. He told me the driver was supposed to take it but since he didn’t, I could mail it and he gave me the address to send it to. So I will do that today.

It is 5 AM and I have been up since 4AM. My stomach is asking for food…


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 8, 2013

glad you have your car. that’s very nice of fred’s daughters to give you that money. some sort of insurance policy? i hope things get settled down for you quickly. i fill my tank every week no matter how little gas i need or how much. i want as full a tank as possible at all times. take caer,

Car! Very good! I drive mine so seldom that the safety inspection was out of date and I just got that renewed. Even though I don’t use it much, I’d really hate not to have it waiting there. Poor thing. It’s done a lot of waiting across the years.

Glad you got your car…now you can tool around and check out your new neighborhood! 🙂

February 8, 2013

Yeah! for getting your car back. Did you check the milage when you dropped it off? I’m just curious about how the tank got so low.

February 8, 2013

Hooray for having wheels at last!

February 8, 2013

Once you get settled in and the weather warms up a bit, you’ll have to come visit the park ( It’s only about an hour or so from Raleigh.

February 8, 2013

Yay all good news! Looks like you are very well on your way to being settled in! *HUGS*

February 8, 2013

It’s good to hear that things are going so well!

So glad you finally have your car! My goodness, how far did they have to drive it that they used up most of your gas? How nice of Freds’ daughters to give you that money. I’m sure with the move you just made it will come in handy! Hugs,M

February 11, 2013

Nice of Fred’s daughters to be looking out for you.