*A Question for those who have moved before

First, this not the question but just to record the fact that my packing and shipping dates have been moved to January 15th and 16th solely to accommodate my ophthalmologist appointment on the 14th.

I just got a very odd telephone call from someone who asked me did I want to stay on until the 19th.? I politely replied that I had no idea what she was talking about! She obviously recognised my English accent as the person who had called Matt to get information earlier this morning. She apologised and that was the end of the call!

Now, the questions for those who have moved furniture. Is it appropriate to tip the guys who pick up the furniture and deliver it.? And if so, how much?





Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde







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I tipped my removal men when I moved house in 2000 – but I can’t remember how much. I think I just gave them £10 each – but it was a very short distance that I moved.

January 2, 2013

If you are happy with the service and end result (they are nice to your things), why not?! 🙂

January 2, 2013

I have no idea! I probably wouldn’t just because it would never occur to me to do so.

January 2, 2013

I never know anything about tipping people! It never even occurs to me ’til someone TELLS me about doing it. But it does seem like pertneer everyone who does any service for you is s’posed to be tipped. 🙁 hugs, Nicky

Having moved numerous times throughout our military career, I can tell you that’s a sticky question. If you know that the people packing your belongings on this end will be the same ones unloading them on the other, I’d wait until your things were delivered before tipping. That’s not often the case, however. Sometimes a team will come in and pack everything up, it gets loaded by someoneelse, and then unloaded by yet different people. I always liked to have cold and hot beverages available along with sandwiches and chips for them to eat, both on the shipping and receiving ends. Those type things are always appreciated. If you do tip, remember it is for the service they are providing at the time, not necessarily for the condition of the goods delivered on the other end. Something is almost always missing or damaged, no matter how much oversight you can provide or how carefully things appear to be packed. As a general rule, big name moving companies hire out their driver as contract labor. Packers are hired at a low salary for the manual labor they do. A single owner company would be totally different! Hope that helps some!

January 2, 2013

I’ve always moved my own junk…never tipped myself, though. However, the best tip I could offer myself would be to hire someone to do it for me. I’m absolutely no help…forget I was here. 🙂

January 2, 2013

during our move, we gave each person $20, there were 3, so $60 bucks. That was in 1998 though. But I think its adequate.

I have tipped my movers if I was impressed — if they were careful with my furniture, if they were polite, and if they moved fast — in other words, if I felt like they were really trying to get the job done and not just stretch it out because they were getting paid by the hour. It’s been awhile but I think I tipped $20 per man, but I had a full house to move and it was generally a 6-8 hour job for them.

yes. I would tip. I would also provide them with cold (or hot) drinks just water bottles is good. I think the last time I moved I tipped them $20 for each guy (2 of them).

The one time I hired movers, the first company cancelled on me twice and I had to find a company to move me out that day. They came after they were supposed to be done for the day and I was so thankful. I did tip them. Don’t remember how much tho.

We’ve only used movers one time and they did such a horrible job we didn’t feel the need to tip them. I think if your guys do a good job then you should tip them. To me the amount would vary depending on how much you have for them to move and if they are also packing it for you. Not sure if that helps you very much. Hugs,M

We’ve only used movers one time and they did such a horrible job we didn’t feel the need to tip them. I think if your guys do a good job then you should tip them. To me the amount would vary depending on how much you have for them to move and if they are also packing it for you. Not sure if that helps you very much. Hugs,M

January 2, 2013

I can help about as much as Zhnee, but it looks like you’ve got it under control anyway. 🙂

I’m no help as I did the labor when we moved along with a friend of my husband’s. Bill paid him in cash and probably beer.

Rich tipped the guys who loaded the stuff on and off the truck but I’m not sure how much. I know it will be appreciated whatever the amount as most people in this day and age don’t tip people who perform such services and those jobs generally don’t pay much more than minimum wage.

January 3, 2013

I have moved several times & it kind of depends on the type of moving company you are using. Smaller companies, they seem to “expect” tips – and do a lot of hinting around about it. Using larger, nationally known companies, I’ve never been hit up for a tip – these people are professionals. Also, you could possibly have six or seven different individuals working, so it can be pricy if you tip all

Anytime I have moved, I didn’t use movers, just friends. We did, however, tip the delivery men from RC Wiley when they brought our furniture, so I guess the same would apply here. As for how much…I am not sure..how much furniture are they moving? I bet if you googled, “How much to tip movers” or something like that, you could find an answer. Good luck!

January 3, 2013

never used movers. when raymond and i came to nh from colorado we loaded and unloaded the uhaul trucks ourselves. i don’t think it could hurt. yeah, that’s a good idea… google it and see what they say. take care,

January 4, 2013

If I have the thought of tipping someone I always do. 20 bucks a piece is good, along with the drinks and snacks. A smile and a big thank you also goes a long ways. Same on the other end-maybe in advance, and I would expect them to move the boxes/furniture into the appropriate room. Be well;peace…dan

January 4, 2013

I have moved a gazillion times. I tip them if I am pleased with their service. Otherwise, no. If I am tipping them, I think usually $20 a person.

January 4, 2013

Thank you so much for your words of comfort. Each day is just a little better but I know the real pain is yet to come.

My parents never tipped their movers and my dad is generous. I have not thought about it really.

seems like the consensus is $20 a person. I don’t know because I have not moved in years and we did it ourselves. I hope I never have to move. I will be hiring ppl to do the work if I do. Best of luck to you in your new place.