More Steps EDIT

  • EDIT: Just got an phone call from Matt, my contact for the new apartment, saying all is well and this coming Sunday is hand-over-rent-money and pick-up-keys day!

YEAH!  {Off to organize world-wide dancing-in-the-street day!}

  • The step-by-step progress of moving is getting exciting! Today I got the how-do-you-want-to-pay-for-this email! Now, don’t start writing me warning notes. This is a reputable firm {I checked} and I don’t pay a penny until after delivery!
  • Last night I went to bed around 9 PM and spent a couple of hours reading. I woke up at 1:30 to go to the bathroom which is an almost nightly thing since I am chugging lots of water for the benefit of my one kidney. Once I had done this, I felt hungry so went into the kitchen to get a banana. At this point, the cats were behaving in a way that meant "If you don’t feed us NOWNOWNOW WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Although I knew exactly when their last meal was, I was conned into giving them a very small amount of dry cat food and went back to bed! Usually I am up at around 6am and then I give the cats their food but this morning I slept until 9 AM, and so when I got up,  the cats tried to persuade me it was time for food! Unfortunately, there was a bit of food still in their bowls from where Jake had given them their usual amount, so I ignored them!
  • Around noon I am going to call the office of the apartment complex and see when I can come and give them a check and get keys! {We are waiting for approval from the guy who did the selling’s boss…}
  • I went to check online when my next and final appointment is with my ophthalmologist is and it turns out to be the 14th which is also the day of the final pickup of my belongings! The appointment is at 1:30  so, one hopes the pickup is early! Anyway, since I do HAVE to make this appointment. I will organize something.


  • Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet
  • Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
  • – Oscar Wilde
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January 2, 2013

I can clearly see that you need to have some cats in your new apartment! LOL!!! Better add “transfer medical information to new doctor” to your ever-growing list of things to do. I hope you are able to find a doctor that you like!

January 2, 2013

Wow!!! YAY!

I’ll have to read back and learn the moving details.