Getting Control over “Stuff!”

I have been reading back in my diary and realized that I used to make lists of what I had done and what still needed to be done. I think this kind of thing really helps me as long as I don’t start beating myself up for not having done something. But these days, I am not into stressing myself out by doing that!

One reason I am making a huge effort to be calm is that I get attacks of shingles when I stress! I found this out when I had to deal with the emergency room the first {and, I hope, last} time I had gastritis. The second time I went back I  had intermittent stabbed-like-a-bee-sting pains on my left shoulder and the doctor looked when I said if felt like a bee sting and found the spots! I stressed myself into one little "sting" when I had the diarrhea attack last Saturday but as soon as I felt it, I did deep breathing and played music and I didn’t get the feeling again and there are no spots that I can see!


What I have done today:

  1. I have started one large {22×24 canvas} background and one smaller one (backgrounds only.} I also found an 8X11 canvas I had slapped a background on a wile ago and started laying down the first of many glazes I intend to do so that the rather busy background will only be available if one peers into the background, which, you might remember is what I was supposed to be doing for my mentor.
  2. I got the piled up stuff from the top of the plastic drawers and have started sorting it. Almost all of this stuff will be moved to its new home today. I also found my hand-sewing tools up there and have put them where they belong.
  3. Still to do today is to look REALLY well in my car for the still-missing cell phone…



I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.


— Confucius (Chinese Philosopher) 551-479 B.C.


"Anything you’re good at contributes to happiness."

— Bertrand Russell


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June 14, 2011

Lists-of any kind, make me more productive than any other thing that happens. I might not get all of the items completed but I do what I can and then start the next day’s list with the items I didn’t get to. Nice catch on the stress related illness and the cure. I have to take benedryl by the handfuls when I get stress related hives. My mother gets seizures! be well; peace…dan

June 14, 2011

I go through phases with lists. Sometimes they feel helpful and energizing, other times they feel like my jailer.

June 14, 2011

I have a wipe-off board on the refrigerator for my to-do list. Sometimes when the list gets too long and I haven’t been getting much done, I just erase some items! It does lower my anxiety level…..