Visit to the Doctor

I can’t believe that tomorrow is Saturday. 

I have literally done nothing this week except lie on the bed and read with a hot pad under my shoulder. It has been a waste of a lovely-weather week. The worst part is I haven’t been able to sleep for more than four hours at night because when I moved, the pain woke me up. So, this morning, on the edge of tears, I called and got an appointment to see anyone at the health center. I called at 10:45 and got an appointment at 11:30. I saw  a very nice nurse practitioner who asked me a lot of questions about the pain. I told her it actually wasn’t a very bad pain; I mean on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being a kidney stone, this pain is about a 5, but the bad thing is that it was ALWAYS there. And since it is on the right side, and I am right-handed…

So, she put her hand gently on the right side of my back and moved her hand down to the scapular. Once she had got there she said, "Ok, I can feel a big knot there. I am going to press a little harder to be sure that what is hurting…" and then it felt like a stab!  Anyway, she said it was a muscular spasm. She gave me a prescription for a muscle relaxer and some painkiller which is definitely working. When we got back {Fred very kindly drove me there} I had the prescriptions filled, took one pain killer and one muscle relaxer and slept for about an hour and a half. I can still feel the pain but it is "blurred."

Today’s Positive Self-Statement: I was proactive in calling the doctor

Today’s Statement of Gratitude: I am grateful for the beautiful weather we have had this past week. Nothing is better than sunny and cool.

One thing that I will do to be kind to myself tomorrow: I will go back on the treadmill. Fifteen minutes is better than nothing.


"You are not happy because you are well. You are well because you are

happy. You are not depressed because trouble has come to you, but

trouble has come to you because you are depressed. You can change

your thoughts and feelings, and then the outer things will come to

correspond, and indeed there is no other way of working."

Emmett Fox

"Enjoyment is not a goal; it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity."

Paul Goodman


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That sounds much like the muscle spasm I had a couple weeks ago and is absolutely paralytically excruciating!! Look into chiropractic care to prevent future flare ups. (((HUGS)))

April 24, 2009

Hope you feel better soon.

Muscle pain is the worst. I’m glad that you are feeling better.

ick. Thats kind of how I felt when my front tooth abscesed. It wasn’t a horrible pain, but it wouldn’t go away. It hurt to breathe, eat, drink. ugh. I was ready to pull out my own tooth by the third day (the day I was able to finally get to the dentist after the weekend). I hope the pills work!

Muscle Relaxers- I think drs. prescribe them for just about anything. I called my doc today and the call was returned to me by his nurse. I told her what was going on with my back, she went down my list of meds and said ” Oooo, you can increase you flexaril-take an extra one each day.” Um yeah, that will really fix the problem that is in a JOINT, not MUSCLE RELATED ad al. It’s going to be a long weekend for me! Hope yours gets better quickly! Hugs,M

April 24, 2009

Someone once described the “Golden Years” as the “Age of Rust”. I tend to agree. 🙂 – – – –

April 25, 2009

I’m glad that it’s feeling better.

I hope it gets better soon!

April 25, 2009

Did she not give you anti-inflammatories as well? Usually when I get muscle spasms, I take 3 sets of tabs. Pain-killer, muscle relaxant AND anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatories take a while, but they really do the trick. Hope it’s better soon – nothing worse.

Hope the pills will work and you will be feeling better now that the weather is finally breaking….

April 25, 2009

oh dear! I had one of those once and it was a really dreadful pain. But once I gave up on dealing with it and went to the doctor, the muscle relaxers had me feeling good again within a few days. I hope they work really fast for you, too!! hugs, Nicky

Hope you feel better soon. (((hugs)))

April 25, 2009

I’m glad you’re on the road to recovery!

April 25, 2009

It’s good the doctor was able to give you something to help. I hope it’s completely gone soon!

April 25, 2009

Poor Patricia! I cricked my neck this week and it was very painful for a few days (now it’s down to a dull ache) so I can sympathise. It sounds like you need to see a professional massage person for a deep tissue massage to release some of those knots. (huggles)

April 25, 2009

Hope you’re soon painfree. I have finally started to take advantage of my KINDLE. I am reading SLUMDOG millionaire.

I’m sorry about the pain, Patricia. Good meds are great!

April 25, 2009

I’m glad you called the doctor… and I hope it goes away really soon.

April 25, 2009

Glad they found the cause for the pain and it’s treatable. Sweet Dreams!

Oh no! Feel much better soon! Muscle spasms are awful!

pain killers work miracles I find. Hope you feel better soon

April 26, 2009

Oh ouch! Those are horrible to have to contend with. I hope the spasming goes away soon. We are now sweltering — 90 predicted for tomorrow here on the Hudson. I was hoping that it would get warmer, but not like this!

April 28, 2009

Muscle spasms are so painful, I do hope it clears up quickly.

Thanks for the note… hope you are feeling better….