ITune Problem Solved!

I remember mentioning in a previous entry the problem I was having with ITunes and the shopping cart. Briefly, it was that ITunes would not let me download all the songs in my cart at once. Well, I wrote to customer support and asked for help. I got a reply from someone who made it quite clear that she had not read what I had written because she sent me a link to an article which told me how to set up my preferences so I could use the shopping cart. If she had read what I had written, she would have realized that I already knew how to do this since the first sentence in my email was something to the effect of "Up to about two weeks ago, the shopping cart was working perfectly…" But she did point out to me that the songs in the shopping cart could be downloaded individiually. I felt a bit silly having not realized this since there was a "buy now" button next to each song! So, that is what I did.

Now we come to today where i get ANOTHER email from this person telling me that she had consulted the tech department and, yes, there were problems with the shopping cart! She said they had cleared out the cart {and I am glad I had already downloaded what I had in it} and I could now add more and see if the "Buy now" button at the bottom worked and to let her know it it didn’t. My first thought was that someone in authority had reviewed the first email and had pointed out to her that she had not actually answered my question! And my second thought was how do you empty a cart that has nothing in it? Anyway, no matter how it came about, I appreciate the fact that it now WORKS ! I replied to her email saying I appreciated the follow-up email and that the shopping cart was working perfectly now.

In a complete change of subject, I have spent most of today sitting on the bed {with a back support} and watching season 3 of "House MD!" I usually don’t retire to lounge on the bed in the morning since I only watch television or DVDs in the evening, but when I got up this morning, I moved too quickly and whoosh, back came the vertigo! So, I told Fred I was going to do the exercises which are done sitting and lying on the side of a bed. I actually HATE doing these because the first thing that happens is that the vertigo gets worse. However, in about 15 to 20 minutes, the vertigo has all gone. It is so counter-intuitive to do something that increases the vertigo to make it go away! I was like this with arthritis, too. It seems ridiculous to move an arthritic hip to make minor pain go away! But it works! Of course, once the hip starts to crumble, nothing except surgery helps it. Anyway, while I was waiting of the benign positional vertigo to go away, I started on "House MD" and stayed with him for the rest of the day!

We are supposed to have more snow tomorrow and Thursday so Fred did a grocery run to get necessities like bagels, and milk .  I expect to look out tomorrow and see snow all over the cars. I have done quite well in getting the snow off the cars each day it snows because I discovered last year that it is MUCH easier to get one day of snow off than a week’s snow!

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

Jim Rohn

"Enjoyment is not a goal; it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity."

Paul Goodman


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I so know what you mean about the exercises making the vertigo worse! That’s why I don’t do them. I never know when vertigo is going to hit. The first time it happened to me about a year or so ago it was very scary!

January 6, 2009

I am so grateful that I am in Florida.

January 6, 2009

How great that you got the iTunes problem solved!

January 6, 2009

I’m glad that they were able to solve your iTunes problem! Stay warm! (((Hugs)))

January 6, 2009

I see today that iTunes changed their pricing structure from everything for 99 cents to split btw two prices lower and higher I believe. Maybe that change was causing them problems. Anyway problem solved. Maybe another email would give you some FREE tunes for the inconvenience?!? Be well and stay balanced….dan

January 6, 2009

so true about those vertigo exercises. besides making it worse for the moment, so boring!!! but they work. i haven’t been regular in using them but strongly suspect regular use might prevent recurrences.

January 6, 2009

We’re due for an ice storm tonight. I’m not crazy about it to say the least… Stay warm and safe you two.

January 6, 2009

I’ve been amazed to learn that exercising sore muscles helps them feel better, too! It’s funny, these bodies we have, isn’t it? If I had to spend a whole DAY with Dr. House, I am sure I’d end up telling him off! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

Dr House is very good therapy because you can get so engaged in the stories and in him. They recently had a marathon of House episodes on tv and I watched several hours of it back to back.

January 7, 2009

Yay for solving the ITune issue. My brother Gary is an ITune addict!!!!! Snow? *Shivers*…nope, sorry. I’ve turned into a wuss when it comes to snow. Love ya! ~M

Thanks for the tip. I think Mark has an extra pair of earphones I can use. I think you’d like this series, ReGenesis.

Vertigo can really get ya down, can’t it??? Glad the exercises seem to help. Hey, there is NOTHING wrong with taking a whole day and watching House!!! LOL Hugs,M

January 7, 2009

i don’t want to take the snow off my car just yet. it’s protecting the car from the freezing rain. it’s harder to get ice off my car that it is crusty snow. i’m glad you got the itunes problem figured out. how i love house!! i just adore hugh laurie. he’s such a good actor. take care,

*shakes head* It’s a bit much when customer support don’t even bother to read about the problem.