Plans for the Day
The woman at the ophthalmologist’s office called me and said Dr. Wood had looked at the MRI and there was no sign of any tumors. Not that we really thought there was, but sometimes glaucoma is caused by this and he was ruling out a possibility. It really shows you how much confidence I have in him that my super-sensitive-to-cancer mind didn’t take the idea of cancer and run with it! Anyway, although I wasn’t worrying about it, I was glad to hear that particular possibility was out of the way.
This morning I have to take my baby, my IMac, in to the shop to get the internal ISight camera fixed. At first, I thought to myself, "Well, I don’t use it all that much. Why not just let it go?" {The Macbook laptop I have has a camera that works,} But, no, if it is new. I want it to work. I felt the same way about taking my Kia in to get it fixed. There was just a scrape in the front and a bit of paint chipped off so why not let it go and do some riotous living with the insurance check? I had it fixed because it is relatively new and I want to keep it looking that way for as long as possible.
OK, stuff to deal with today:
- change out of slippers and into shoes so I can walk in the wet grass and pick some tomatoes.
- call the computer shop and ask if they want me to bring along the external disk where all the Time Machine back-ups are. {I did this; they don’t}
- remember when I get there to ask do they want my admin password. They may not because one of the things John had me do was to make a new admin account cleverly called "testuser" which is not password protected. However, even if he does want the password, I know how to reset it.
- Make sure to ask about not having to pay for this since I am still in the warranty period.
- Check to see if the store has the more advanced Leopard how-to book and look at it. Leopard is the newest version of the OS X operating system, and the one the IMac has, and I would like to know more about the bells and whistles, I think. I bought a beginning book and was quite chuffed to find that I knew most of what is in there!
"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."
Michael Jordan
"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past."
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English poet
I’m sure the MRI results are a great relief!
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We’re always relieved when we get the “official” results of tests even though we already knew we would have heard if there was something wrong. You’re a lot more organized than I am about your computer. I guess I depend on hubby a lot. The problem there is he’s now having problems with stairs and I have a hard time getting him downstairs to my officer to do anything.
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Good news on the test, even though you were fairly sure it would be that way. I hope they can fix your computer quickly!
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So glad to hear you got good results. It seems that even if one is fairly certain that the results will be fine it is always a huge relief to hear so. Hugs, M
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I’m glad that your MRI had good results and good luck with your computer repair!
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Glad to hear that there are no signs of tumors.
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Quite right. If it’s new it should work. 🙂
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Good news about the MRI results. And, if it is new and supposed to work then it should!
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I’m thinking what is causing the vision problems is a ghost and has moved from you to the iMac and will be thoroughly exorcised by them with great drums and chanting!!! When you get it back it might be like those shrunken heads, smaller but just as good at what it does! hahahaha be well and glad you got such good news….dan
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