This and That

I came back from three hours of Italian absolutely exhausted but it was interesting. However,  I would not want to do that regularly. I left hriefly after one-and-a-half hours to move my car and repark it. In the parking garage I use, the first two hours are free and after that, it costs 75 cents per half hour. I just drove out of the parking garage, turned left and back in again.  When I finally got out I was starving. On the way home, I had as usual to traverse our roundabout where there seemed to have been a collision. I was waiting patiently in line when the ambulance came. I whipped out of line and into the space behind the ambulance and swung off the roundabout in a different direction and thus home.

In the first class, la prof mentioned that she would not be in Vermont next year since she and her husband were moving to South Carolina where her grandchildren are. Well, I wish her well but that spoils my plans for next year since I had planned to take Italian II again with her when I got back from Italy!  Well, perhaps it is time for me to investigate the University of Vermont’s  program for the Officially Old…

I finally got an answer from the teacher of the class I will be working with on Friday. She told me that although most of the class could tell time, there were some who couldn’t. I was telling la prof this so she suggested that I did the numbers to a hundred– or as close as I could get in the time and finish up by teaching them to use the numbers by reading the hours and saying "Sono le dodici" or whatever number I indicate on a drawing of a clock on the board. She thinks that they would all be able to manage the hours and perhaps the half hours.

Ok, what else. Well, this morning I got on the scales and I am down four pounds from the last time I did this about a week ago. I am not excited about this because I can actually lose that much just peeing at times  but I am going to continue cutting down just a bit on what I am eating, and more importantly, continue riding my bike. Yesterday I went out for 15 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. It doesn’t seem tto be causing any more pain in my hip than was there before but when I was walking to and from my car today, I could definitely feel it in my calves! And apart from a little weight loss, being able to be active makes  a lot of difference to my level of depression.

I have had my hair short. very short. Well, actually, a little too short but it looks Ok and it will grow,

QUOTATION: If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it!

Jonathan Winters

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I would LOVE to lose four pounds in a week!!! I’m impressed with that!

April 24, 2007

Four pounds! And I happen to think you do look thin to start with. I loved the p’ing comment, that happens to me too.

April 24, 2007

I hate that your professor will be leaving! Will there be someone else taking over her class? Good job on the weight loss, too! RYN: I can’t wait to read that entry!

April 24, 2007

Cool beans on the weight loss! Interesting about la Prof going away to South Carolina. I guess that will nudge you out of your comfort zone (again) and get you started on something different. Wonder where the adventure will take you?

Wow on the four pounds. 🙂

April 24, 2007

You have such pretty skin and lovely bone structure that I am sure the short hair looks great. How about a photo? I like reading about your Vermont excursions since I often know exactly to what you refer? It makes me nostalgic.

April 24, 2007

*huggs* hair will always grow back!!!

April 24, 2007

I got my hair cut shorter today too… but it makes me feel sooo much better because its easier to manage 🙂

Well done on the weight loss!

Four pounds! In a week! That’s awesome!! The only way I can get that much in a weeks time is to be put in the hospital. And I AM NOT going there!!! LOL I’m sure you are enjoying getting out on your bike, especially since Vermont is such a beautiful area. Hugs, M

April 24, 2007

When I am “officially old,” I’m going to see if our state has a free tuition plan for older people also. If they haven’t one now, by that time perhaps they will! I’m glad you’re enjoying the bike rides. I reckon your calves will be used to it soon, and not get so sore! As for losing four pounds just by peeing…. when I was very underweight, I lost four pounds just by farting or burping! (Seriously!) Now that I’m not underweight, I suspect I could skip a whole day or two of eating and not lose four ounces. :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

I’m glad you are out biking. It’s wonderful exercise and I’ll bet it is easier on the hip.